in sum造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:43


in sum造句

  • 1、in sum, Syria is a regional snake-pit in which few neighbours-or outsiders from farther afield-would be wise to dangle their toes.(總之,敘利亞就是一個地區(qū)的蛇窩,很少有鄰居——或來自遠方的外人——在其眼前明智地晃腳。)
  • 2、in sum, technology has given us this surfeit of calories and dearth of energy expenditure.(總而言之,技術(shù)給了我們過高的熱量,又減少了能量支出。) 【好工具】
  • 3、in sum, he has demonstrated that the arm of the ICC's law is embarrassingly short.(總之,他向世人證明了,國際刑事法庭的法律權(quán)威微弱得讓人難堪。)
  • 4、in sum, Hill showed the potential to positively contribute on the court without needing the ball in his hands.(總的來說,希爾展示了在場上無球情況下能做出積極貢獻的潛力。)
  • 5、in sum, the nation would no longer have to make the untenable choice between taxpayer bailouts and market chaos.(總的來說,國家再也不用在由納稅人買單還是市場混亂之間難以做出抉擇。)
  • 6、in sum, the course is clear.(總而言之,這個過程是清晰的。)
  • 7、in sum, showing your anger conveys a toughness that can help you get what you want.(總而言之,表示憤怒的情緒能傳達強硬的態(tài)度,這可以幫助你達到目標。)
  • 8、in sum, there are three features in the meeting today. First, it was held in an earnest and pragmatic manner.(歸納起來,今天的會議有如下三個特點:一,會議是認真、務(wù)實的。)
  • 9、in sum, the testing performed by the team enabled rapid development while maintaining exceptional quality.(總之,團隊執(zhí)行的測試支持快速開發(fā),同時保持杰出的質(zhì)量。)
  • 10、in sum, it is not yet clear whether Mr Obama will tackle the Middle East conundrum with renewed vigour.(總之,奧巴馬是否會重整旗鼓來處理中東問題尚無定論。)
  • 11、in sum, his speech is excellent.(簡言之,他的演說好極了。)
  • 12、in sum, she was a great writer but also a fortunate one.(總而言之,她是位偉大的作家,并且還很幸運。)
  • 13、Each individual improvement can have a positive effect, but when takenin sum, they can result in dramatic results.(每個單獨的改進都可以得到一個積極效果,如果綜合起來,則可以獲得顯著的改進。)
  • 14、in sum, confidence is built from within instead of from external factors.(總結(jié),自信是從心里產(chǎn)生的,而不是從外界得來的。)
  • 15、in sum, good documentation at the right level of detail (and not more) increases the chances of success in a software project.(總之,詳細程度恰到好處的好文檔會提高軟件項目成功的幾率。)
  • 16、in sum, the G20 regulatory changes call to mind Dr Johnson's opinion of a manuscript as both good and original.(總而言之,廿國監(jiān)管變革呼吁,使我們記起來約翰遜博士對于手稿既優(yōu)秀又有原創(chuàng)的看法。)
  • 17、in sum. if you come to Copenhagen , if you like arts, you should go there to have a look!(總之,如果你來哥本哈根,如果你喜愛藝術(shù),一定要來這個博物館來看看!)
  • 18、in sum, theory should be combined with.(總之,理論應(yīng)該與實踐相結(jié)合。)
  • 19、in sum, talent is not so important as working hard in either study or daily work.(總之,無論是在學習中或是在日常工作中,天賦并不像努力工作那么重要。)
  • 20、in sum, there is a slight change in emphasis away from education and toward outright competition.(總之,以教育為主的側(cè)重點有了細微的變化,開始向徹底競爭的方向轉(zhuǎn)化。)
  • 21、in sum, the data revolution is giving us wonderful ways to understand the present and the past.(總而言之,數(shù)據(jù)革命為我們提供了理解現(xiàn)在和過去的絕佳方式。)
  • 22、in sum, the Court in Sony thought it was dealing with a mostly innocuous technology.(總之,在索尼案中法庭認為它處理的是一個通常無傷大雅的技術(shù)。)
  • 23、in sum anything looks good on her slender figure.(總之,她身材好,看上去一切都好。)
  • 24、He said thatin sum, this round of talks have made the following achievements.(他說,概括起來,本次會談主要取得以下成果。)
  • 25、in sum, both HOP and RSPW are good additions to a library — but probably not the same library.(總而言之,HOP和RSPW都是對庫函數(shù)很好的補充——不過它們介紹的庫可能并不相同。)
  • 26、in sum, we all have a common stake in our school, our community, and our society.(總之,我們在的學校、社區(qū)和社會中,都擁有共同的利益。)
  • 27、in sum, “I want to create a truly great global company.”(說到這的時候,他就好似兩眼朦朧、懷揣期待的國際主義者,“我想建立一個真正的世界公司?!?
  • 28、in sum, Virtio delivers most of the performance benefits of paravirtualization.(總之,使用Virtio可獲得半虛擬化的最佳性能收益。)

in sum基本釋義

in sum

英 [in s?m] 美 [?n s?m] 
