in summary造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:43


in summary造句

  • 1、in summary, a mediation should be used when you need to transparently modify or route messages.(總之,當(dāng)您需要明顯的修改或路由消息時(shí),就需要使用中介來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)。)
  • 2、in summary, neither approach is going to be best for all applications.(總之,對(duì)于所有應(yīng)用程序,沒(méi)有一種方法總是最佳的。)
  • 3、in summary, it is my opinion that this complete treatment process was very successful.(總之,我認(rèn)為這整個(gè)治療過(guò)程非常成功。)
  • 4、in summary, the 64-bit architecture has the following advantages.(總之,64位具有以下優(yōu)點(diǎn)。)
  • 5、in summary , this was a disappointing performance.(總的來(lái)說(shuō),這場(chǎng)演出令人失望。)
  • 6、in summary, I won't take this job.(總之,我不會(huì)接受這個(gè)工作。)
  • 7、He followed the study with a series of summary.(他根據(jù)這項(xiàng)研究,提出了一系列的建議。)
  • 8、in summary, the arguer fails to convince with the argument as presented.(總而言之,論述者沒(méi)能用其提出的論據(jù)來(lái)說(shuō)服我們。)
  • 9、in summary, the Service Maturity Models help you.(總結(jié)起來(lái),服務(wù)成熟度模型能夠幫助您。)
  • 10、in summary, to use the sample classes you.(總之,使用示例類(lèi),您將。)
  • 11、in summary, returns management should no longer be the ugly step-child of the supply chain.(總之,退貨管理再也不應(yīng)該是供應(yīng)鏈的丑繼子。)
  • 12、in summary, this restriction makes it easier to implement a JMS provider as a JCA resource adapter.(總之,這種限制使得JMS提供者更容易實(shí)現(xiàn)為JCA資源適配器。)
  • 13、in summary, the argument fails due to four major flaws in logic.(總的說(shuō)來(lái),本段論述因?yàn)樗拇筮壿嬋毕荻y以站得住腳。)
  • 14、in summary, all standard portlet modes are supported by the two products.(總之,這兩種產(chǎn)品支持所有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Portlet模式。)
  • 15、in summary, the committee should make the following requests to the project team.(總之,委員會(huì)應(yīng)該對(duì)項(xiàng)目組做出以下的要求。)
  • 16、in summary, there is no benefit carrying our years of emotional baggage.(總之,背著多年的情感包袱對(duì)我們毫無(wú)益處。)
  • 17、in summary, the build process is an important activity in the release cycle of a portal project.(總的說(shuō)來(lái),構(gòu)建流程是門(mén)戶(hù)項(xiàng)目發(fā)布周期中的一個(gè)重要活動(dòng)。)
  • 18、in summary, JMeter was an excellent choice as this project's performance test tool.(總的說(shuō)來(lái),JMeter作為該項(xiàng)目的性能測(cè)試工具是一個(gè)極好的選擇。)
  • 19、in summary, interoperability has to be achieved at the SOAP level as well as the XML payload level.(總之,必須在SOAP級(jí)別和xml有效負(fù)載級(jí)別實(shí)現(xiàn)互操作性。)
  • 20、in summary, authentication must be performed locally on the receiving queue manager.(總之,必需在接收到隊(duì)列管理器時(shí)在本地執(zhí)行身份驗(yàn)證。)
  • 21、in summary, as a general rule, the operational requirements derive from these sources.(總的來(lái)說(shuō),作為一般性的規(guī)律,運(yùn)營(yíng)性需求來(lái)自于以下方面。)
  • 22、in summary, after importing you will find.(概括說(shuō)來(lái),導(dǎo)入后您將會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 23、in summary, get used to looking at people and make deliberate eye contact with people you like.(總而言之,習(xí)慣正眼看人,有意地與你喜歡的人眼神接觸。)
  • 24、in summary, our four-step approach lets executives do three things.(總之,我們的四步法讓管理人員做三件事情。)
  • 25、in summary, I think it's very important to pay attention to our surrounding environment.(總之,我認(rèn)為身邊的環(huán)境是非常重要的。)
  • 26、in summary, you run the following steps to produce classification results.(總的來(lái)說(shuō),生成分類(lèi)結(jié)果的步驟如下。)
  • 27、in summary, the rules follow this structure.(簡(jiǎn)要來(lái)說(shuō),規(guī)則遵循以下結(jié)構(gòu)。)

in summary基本釋義

in summary

英 [in ?s?m?ri] 美 [?n ?s?m?ri] 
總的說(shuō)來(lái); 概括起來(lái)