
in the face of造句

in the face of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:36


in the face of造句

  • 1、in the face of this accumulated wisdom, the question is why so many educators decided that it is acceptable to reduce or eliminate recess.(面對這些積累起來的智慧,問題是為什么這么多的教育工作者認為減少或取消課間休息是可以接受的。)
  • 2、Perhapsin the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization, a young person's family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap.(也許在面對沒有人情味且令人生畏的全球化問題時,年輕人的家庭感覺更像是一個友好的避風(fēng)港,而不是一個受壓迫的陷阱。)
  • 3、As trees outgrow their ideal habitatsin the face of climate change, these flying ecosystem engineers could be a big help in replanting trees.(當樹木面臨氣候變化而放棄它們的理想棲息地時,這些飛行的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)工程師對于重新植樹能有巨大的幫助。)
  • 4、So Lavie did another experiment, designed to look at this ability to concentrate betterin the face of increased difficulty.(因此,拉維做了另一個實驗,旨在觀察這種在難度增加時能夠更好地集中注意力的能力。)
  • 5、The last thing you wantin the face of an advancing zombie horde is a blown fuel sensor.(面對一群不斷前進的僵尸,你最不想看到的就是一個爆炸的燃料傳感器。)
  • 6、Southern historians clung instead to a notion of the South's unanimityin the face of Northern aggression.(相反,南方的歷史學(xué)家堅持認為,面對北方的侵略,南方是一致的。)
  • 7、I want to express my admiration for you because you never give upin the face of difficulties.(我想要向你表達我對你的欽佩之情,因為你在困難面前從不放棄。)
  • 8、They are still temporizingin the face of what can only be described as a disaster.(眼看著災(zāi)難來臨,他們還在拖延時間。)
  • 9、The charm of canals lies in their survivalin the face of irrelevance.(運河的魅力在于它面臨其地位可有可無的時候竟然幸存下來。)
  • 10、It builds resiliencein the face of adversity.(它能增強面對災(zāi)難的適應(yīng)力。)
  • 11、Overall -- a significant decreasein the face of a rising trend.(整體來說——盡管有增加的趨勢,但還是有顯著的減少。)
  • 12、in the face of all these pushes, people in the Mesa Verde area had yet another reason to move into communal villages: the need for greater cooperation.(在所有這些推動力面前,梅薩維德地區(qū)的人們提出了另外一個搬進公共村莊的理由:他們需要更多合作的機會。)
  • 13、They secured a victoryin the face of overwhelming odds.(盡管情況非常不利,他們?nèi)缘玫搅藙倮?
  • 14、The writer advises students to be bravein the face of pains.(作者建議學(xué)生們勇敢地面對痛苦。)
  • 15、The president has called for national unityin the face of the violent anti-government protests.(總統(tǒng)面對激烈的反政府抗議呼吁全國團結(jié)一致。)
  • 16、There are a lot of difficulties in front of us, yet we still have faith in victory.; we arein the face of difficulties, yet we still have faith in victory.(雖然面臨許多困難,然而我們對勝利仍充滿信心。)
  • 17、The government performed competentlyin the face of multiple challenges.(政府在面臨多重挑戰(zhàn)時表現(xiàn)得很出色。) Hao86.com
  • 18、Local officials are using the levers that are available to them to safeguard residents' healthin the face of a serious threat.(面對嚴重威脅,當?shù)毓賳T正在使用他們所能使用的手段來保護居民的健康。)
  • 19、"We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-upin the face of illness," Karraker said.(卡拉克說:“我們發(fā)現(xiàn),女性在面對疾病時更容易出現(xiàn)婚姻破裂?!?
  • 20、Images of Gadhafi's fiery defiance flashedin the face of ouster.(卡扎菲暴躁蔑視的圖像,面對罷黜在不斷地閃爍著。)
  • 21、He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helplessin the face of practical problems.(光會耍筆桿的人,碰到實際問題往往束手無策。)
  • 22、You can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on the basis of how you choose to feelin the face of trying circumstances.(在面臨怎樣選擇感受面對困境的時候,你可以將自己視為真正的智者。)
  • 23、It also becomes unpredictablein the face of inheritance hierarchies.(在面對繼承層次時,它也變得不可預(yù)測。)
  • 24、It maintains continuityin the face of all these changes.(在發(fā)生變化時它必須保持它的連貫性。)
  • 25、in the face of cuts, it looks like you're doing something.(面對預(yù)算削減,正如你正在做的事情。)
  • 26、It also serves as a coping mechanismin the face of incomprehension.(面對不理解時,這也是一種應(yīng)對機制。)
  • 27、He resignedin the face of trenchant criticism of his policies.(他在這番尖銳的批評前持屈從的態(tài)度。)
  • 28、Look for expenses that can be cut back, and don't give upin the face of high fixed expenses.(尋找可以削減的開支,不要在高昂的固定開支面前放棄。)
  • 29、in the face of the stampede, governments had no good options.(面對踩踏事件,各政府沒有好的選擇。)
  • 30、To heed more rational monetary considerationsin the face of an unfair offer requires that you "swallow your pride".(面臨一個不公平的出價時,留意更理性的金融考慮,需要你“吞下你的自尊心”。)

in the face of基本釋義

in the face of

英 [in e? feis ?v] 美 [?n ei fes ?v] 
面對; 盡管