
in the center of造句

in the center of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:41


in the center of造句

  • 1、He was stabbed to death in a traffic jam in Paris when his carriage gets blockedin the center of Paris, and this mad monk sticks a big knife into him.(他在巴黎的一次交通堵塞中被刺死,當(dāng)時(shí)他的馬車被堵在巴黎市中心,有個(gè)瘋狂的修士用一把大匕首捅死了他。)
  • 2、Did you know there's a black holein the center of our galaxy?(你知道我們銀河系中心有一個(gè)黑洞嗎?)
  • 3、in the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a low railing.(在每一條廊道中心都有一口通風(fēng)井,外面圍著一道矮矮的欄桿。)
  • 4、He flips the table overin the center of the room and begins tossing the room.(他掀翻了擺放在房子中心的桌子,在房?jī)?nèi)到處查探。) Hao86.com
  • 5、He ran over a boxin the center of the road.(他碾過(guò)路中心的箱子。)
  • 6、in the center of the shell are tiny round green stars that burst as a teal peony at the firework's nucleus.(位于殼中部的是小型球形綠色星體,綻放時(shí),在煙花核心形成鳧藍(lán)色牡丹圖案。)
  • 7、The neutral scent of kerosene is concentratedin the center of the scene.(煤油的中性氣味在場(chǎng)景中心被濃縮。)
  • 8、Selexyz Dominicanen stands tallin the center of the city.(希萊克斯多明我書店高高聳立于市中心。)
  • 9、You're not moving, you'rein the center of mass.(你沒(méi)有移動(dòng),你處于質(zhì)量重心。)
  • 10、Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danubein the center of Europe.(維也納是歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座美麗的古城。)
  • 11、in the center of the park is the Forest Shop and Cafe.(森林商店和咖啡館在公園的中心。)
  • 12、Once you choose Flashlight, look at the preview window and you'll see a small spotlightin the center of your image.(當(dāng)你選擇手電筒效果后,在預(yù)覽窗口中應(yīng)該可以看到你的圖像中間會(huì)一個(gè)小的聚光燈。)
  • 13、Students were confused to see that there was just a black dotin the center of the page.(看到頁(yè)面中心只有一個(gè)黑點(diǎn),同學(xué)們很困惑。)
  • 14、Many people gatheredin the center of town to shop for the week.(許多人聚集在鎮(zhèn)中心采購(gòu)一周的物品。)
  • 15、Walls contain the mudflow to a rectangular regionin the center of the image.(墻壁包含泥流到圖像中心的一個(gè)矩形區(qū)域。)
  • 16、This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kivain the center of the mission complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it.(這一事實(shí),以及將(普埃布洛印第安人慶祝用的)地下禮堂小心翼翼地單獨(dú)放置在傳教士建筑群庭院的中心,表明了突出這個(gè)地下禮堂的重要性,而不是貶低它的意圖。)
  • 17、Standingin the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka.(矗立于東大阪的一處人口密集區(qū)的中心。)
  • 18、in the center of Figure 1 is a forwarding proxy.(圖1的中心是一個(gè)前向代理。)
  • 19、They atein the center of the Expo Site。(位于世博園區(qū)中心。)
  • 20、I'm somewherein the center of the middle.(我在中產(chǎn)中心的某個(gè)地方。)
  • 21、When these ice pellets fall, some of them strike much smaller ice crystalsin the center of the cloud.(當(dāng)這些冰粒下落時(shí),其中一些會(huì)撞到云團(tuán)中心的更小的冰晶。)

in the center of基本釋義

in the center of

英 [in e? ?sent? ?v] 美 [?n ei ?s?nt? ?v] 
