
in the beginning造句

in the beginning造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:40


in the beginning造句

  • 1、You learn a lotin the beginning and then stagnate.(一開始,你會學(xué)到很多,但是之后你就止步不前了。)
  • 2、in the beginning of the movie I and Robot, a robot has to decide whom to save after two cars plunge into the water—Del Spooner or a child.(在電影《我和機器人》的開頭,兩輛車掉進水里后,機器人必須決定要救誰,是DelSpooner還是一個孩子。)
  • 3、Most were very successfulin the beginning.(這在內(nèi)戰(zhàn)剛開始取得了很大的成功。)
  • 4、in the beginning, all things are hopeful.(在起點,所有的一切都充滿希望。)
  • 5、in the beginning, writing down 10 goals might be difficult.(起初,寫下10個目標可能會有困難。)
  • 6、On 48, their talk is described as businessin the beginning.(在48頁,他們的談話一開始被描述為生意。)
  • 7、He claims it was just funin the beginning.(一開始任杰稱只是玩玩。)
  • 8、Very linearin the beginning.(開始非常線性。)
  • 9、For both beef and dairy production,it requires, at leastin the beginning, more pastureland.(對于牛肉和奶制品的生產(chǎn),至少在開始階段,需要更多的牧場。)
  • 10、Yes, I'm going for one weekin the beginning of the tournament.(是的,比賽開始后我會去那兒呆一周。)
  • 11、in the beginning, you will see a portion that is linear.(在一開始的部分,你們會看到線性關(guān)系。)
  • 12、"in the beginning," he says, "that little white wire that said you had an iPod—that was cool."(“在一開始,”他說,“那根白色的電線表明你有一個iPod——那很酷?!? hao86.com
  • 13、in the beginning many people did not understand her decision.(一開始,很多人不理解她的決定。)
  • 14、But it wasn't that wayin the beginning.(但是剛開始時,情況并非如此。)
  • 15、in the beginning, everyone felt sorry for him.(在開始的時候,每個人都為他感到難過。)
  • 16、You gave a great biographical sketchin the beginning.(你一開始就寫了一篇很好的小傳。)
  • 17、Both require strict dedicationin the beginning to adjust to.(都需要在剛開始的時候要嚴格遵守計劃要求來適應(yīng)。)
  • 18、Also consider the scope of your DSLin the beginning.(此外,在一開始時就要考慮你DSL的范圍。)
  • 19、Personally, it's his thrill for successin the beginning that resulted in his final failure.(我個人認為,他最初對成功的興奮導(dǎo)致了他最后的失敗。)
  • 20、in the beginning, we went to the fortune teller for help.(開始的時候,我去找算命的給我?guī)椭?
  • 21、in the beginning, Baghdad wasn't that threatening.(一開始,巴格達看上去并不危險。)
  • 22、If I had lovein the beginning, I still have it.(如果我一開始就愛這個人,我依然會繼續(xù)愛下去。)
  • 23、I remember in hospital when I woke upin the beginning.(我還記得在最開始我在醫(yī)院醒來時。)
  • 24、Suellen saysin the beginning it's frightening for some people.(蘇倫表示剛開始的時候,有些人覺得很可怕。)
  • 25、in the beginning Mrs. K. could not be treated on the treadmill.(在開始時候K女士不能在跑步機上治療。)
  • 26、"in the beginning, computing was very hard," he said.(“一開始,制造計算機是非常困難的”,他說。)
  • 27、"It wasin the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems," a company spokesman said.(“那是在開始的時候,當時我們?nèi)栽诮鉀Q問題,”公司的一位發(fā)言人說。)
  • 28、in the beginning, they were just friends.(起初,他們只是做朋友。)

in the beginning基本釋義

in the beginning

英 [in e? bi?ɡini?] 美 [?n ei b??ɡ?n??] 

