
in the distance造句

in the distance造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:38


in the distance造句

  • 1、The hill appeared as a black massin the distance.(遠遠地看去,那座山是黑魆魆一片。)
  • 2、The wail of the bagpipe could be heardin the distance.(老遠就可聽到風笛悠長的奏鳴聲。)
  • 3、We suddenly saw herin the distance.(我們突然看見遠處的她。)
  • 4、We could just discern the housein the distance.(我們只能勉強分辨出遠處的房子。)
  • 5、I picked up the faint sound of a carin the distance.(我聽到遠處傳來微弱的汽車聲。)
  • 6、A plane was droningin the distance.(飛機在遠處嗡嗡地響。)
  • 7、Far awayin the distance, a train whistled.(遠處有一輛火車鳴笛。)
  • 8、The ship was now just a speckin the distance.(此時,那艘船不過是遠處的一個小點。)
  • 9、in the distance, people could see the train rounding a bend, headed into the station.(在遠處,人們可以看到火車繞過一個彎,駛進車站。)
  • 10、I heard the rumble of thunderin the distance.(我聽到遠處雷聲隆隆。)
  • 11、While talking in the darkness, Pinocchio thought he saw a faint lightin the distance.(當他們在黑暗中說話的時候,皮諾喬好像看見遠處有微弱的燈光。)
  • 12、The sea was plainly visiblein the distance.(大海遠遠地清晰可見。)
  • 13、We could see the lights of the ship winkingin the distance.(我們看見船在遠方忽明忽暗地閃著燈光。)
  • 14、in the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.(遠方的天空開始泛白。)
  • 15、Lightning flashedin the distance.(遠處電光閃閃。)
  • 16、The sound of the car died awayin the distance.(小轎車發(fā)出的噪音消逝在遠處。)
  • 17、We saw lightsin the distance.(我們看到了遠處的點點燈光。)
  • 18、in the distance the crew sighted land.(船員發(fā)現(xiàn)在遠處有陸地。)
  • 19、She caught sight of a carin the distance.(她瞥見遠處有一輛車。)
  • 20、Thunder grumbledin the distance.(遠處雷聲隆隆。)
  • 21、in the distance a band was playing.(遠處有個樂隊在演奏。)
  • 22、The mountains were hazyin the distance.(遠處的山巒在薄霧中若隱若現(xiàn)。)
  • 23、These are still farin the distance.(距離這些仍然很遙遠。)
  • 24、in the distance machine guns were blazing.(機關槍在遠處不停地射擊。)
  • 25、The bus was a vague shapein the distance.(遠處的那輛公共汽車只是一個模糊不清的輪廓。)
  • 26、We heard some shotsin the distance.(我們聽見遠處有幾聲槍響。)
  • 27、When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a housein the distance.(他瞇著眼睛,只能隱約看見遠處有一所房子。)
  • 28、in the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.(在遠處,我們突然第一次看到了太平洋。)
  • 29、in the distance is a stretch of grassland.(遠處是連綿一片的草原。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 30、Mountains rosein the distance.(遠處山巒疊起。)

in the distance基本釋義

in the distance

英 [in e? ?dist?ns] 美 [?n ei ?d?st?ns] 
