
in the main造句

in the main造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:31


in the main造句

  • 1、The service here is,in the main, reliable.(這里的服務(wù)基本上是可靠的。)
  • 2、A bomb wounded at least 18 peoplein the main market in the Chawk Shida district of Kandahar.(在坎大哈的舒克師大地區(qū)的主要市場,炸彈炸死了至少18人。)
  • 3、The meetings are alwaysin the main conference room.(會(huì)議總是在主會(huì)議室舉行。)
  • 4、All the students were asked to assemblein the main hall.(全體學(xué)生獲通知到大禮堂集合。)
  • 5、Reception isin the main building.(接待處在主樓。)
  • 6、in the main program, spawn the required number of threads.(在主程序中,派生所需個(gè)數(shù)的線程。)
  • 7、in the main content pane, select JmsTestEAR.(在主內(nèi)容窗格中選擇JmsTestEAR。)
  • 8、in the main function, remove the lines below.(在main函數(shù)中,刪除以下幾行。)
  • 9、He owns the butcher'sin the main street.(他在大街上開了一家肉鋪。) hAo86.com
  • 10、Rebel fighters carry out stuffin the main Muammar Gaddafi compound.(在卡扎菲的大院中,反抗軍士兵拿著各種東西。)
  • 11、They are the stairsin the main building.(這是主樓的樓梯。)
  • 12、Tourists are,in the main, sympathetic people.(游客們大都是有同情心的人。)
  • 13、Mr Bouazizi's picture hangsin the main street, now named after him.(布亞齊茲的照片懸掛在以他的名字命名的大街上。)
  • 14、Stairsin the main building.(主樓的樓梯。)
  • 15、Sub-menu appears when some sectionin the main menu is selected.(當(dāng)選擇了主要菜單中的一些部分時(shí)就會(huì)出現(xiàn)下級(jí)菜單。)
  • 16、However,in the main loop, you have a conditional branch.(然而,在主循環(huán)中,您使用了一個(gè)條件分支。)
  • 17、Three years ago today a deranged man shot and killed 14 peoplein the main square.(3年前的今天,一個(gè)精神錯(cuò)亂者在主廣場上開槍打死了14個(gè)人。)
  • 18、You'd better flattenin the main ropes.(你最好拉緊主帆索。)
  • 19、Reviews are distilled from articles previously publishedin the main column.(評(píng)論文章薈萃了發(fā)表于各大專欄文章的精華。)
  • 20、Thenin the main aisle of the Court there rose a youthful advocate.(這時(shí),法庭的主通道中站起一位年輕的律師。)
  • 21、Now your new function will showin the main window.(現(xiàn)在這個(gè)新函數(shù)將出現(xiàn)在主窗口中。)
  • 22、This is less than the total biological productionin the main water column, or pelagic zone.(它比主水體或遠(yuǎn)洋區(qū)的生物總產(chǎn)量要少一些。)
  • 23、File Please put these lettersin the main file.(請(qǐng)把這些文件放入文卷總檔中。)
  • 24、in the main program, you declare your variables.(在主程序,聲明變量。)
  • 25、This is visiblein the main window image given earlier on this page.(這在本頁先前出現(xiàn)的主窗口鏡像中可以看到。)
  • 26、Young people often congregatein the main square in the evenings.(年輕人傍晚時(shí)經(jīng)常聚集在大廣場上。)
  • 27、His supporters gatheredin the main square.(他的支持者聚集在主廣場上。)
  • 28、Next, type Herin the main window.(然后,在主窗口輸入Her。)

in the main基本釋義

in the main

英 [in e? mein] 美 [?n ei men] 
基本上; 大體上