
in the hands of造句

in the hands of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:39:33


in the hands of造句

  • 1、Gaddafi personally isin the hands of the rebels.(卡扎菲本人已經(jīng)在叛軍手里了。)
  • 2、This still leaves Iran’s destiny mainlyin the hands of its internal disputants.(這使得伊朗的命運仍主要掌握在其內(nèi)部爭論者的手里。)
  • 3、The airport isin the hands of French paratroops.(那座機場由法國空降兵所控制。)
  • 4、Facebook is a handy site, but I'm upset by the idea that my information isin the hands of people I don't trust.(Facebook是一個便于使用的網(wǎng)站,但我的信息掌握在我不信任的人手中,這讓我感到不安。)
  • 5、Yet these organisations remain firmlyin the hands of the old rich economies.(然而這些機構(gòu)的權(quán)力仍牢牢地掌握在以往的幾個經(jīng)濟強國手中。)
  • 6、He replied: 'It isin the hands of the gods.'(他回答:‘那掌握在上帝的手中?!?
  • 7、Power and decision-making are largelyin the hands of one person, Steve Jobs.(權(quán)利和決策都集中在一個人手里,史蒂夫·喬布斯。)
  • 8、She was so glad to see now it wasin the hands of her granddaughter.(她很高興看到它現(xiàn)在在她的孫女手中。)
  • 9、The rising numbers signify growing vitality in foreign markets—when we import more stuff, it puts more cashin the hands of people around the world.(不斷增長的數(shù)字,表明國外市場的活力在不斷增長。當(dāng)我們進口更多,全世界的人們手中就有了更多錢。)
  • 10、Instead, it was concentratedin the hands of "the rich."(代替,它是集中在富人的手中。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、Order and discipline have been placedin the hands of governing bodies.(秩序與紀(jì)律已交由管控機構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)。)
  • 12、Come here now and tell me how it came about that you found yourselfin the hands of the Assassins.(現(xiàn)在過來告訴我,你是怎么落到那些刺客手里的。)
  • 13、Nothing is more powerful than a surrendered lifein the hands of God.(沒有任何事物比降服于神手中的生活更有能力。)
  • 14、The phantoscope ended upin the hands of Edison for pocket change.(快速放射性分析器最終被愛迪生換成了手中的零錢。)
  • 15、When caught, all are liable to prosecution, and the decision whether to send for the police or not isin the hands of the store manager.(一旦被抓住,所有人都可能被起訴,是否報警的決定權(quán)在店長手中。)
  • 16、Wealth is concentratedin the hands of the very few.(財富集中在極少數(shù)人手里。)
  • 17、The future of Libya is nowin the hands of the Libyan people.(利比亞的未來正掌握在利比亞人民手中。)
  • 18、The matter is nowin the hands of my lawyer.(這件事現(xiàn)在正由我的律師處理。)
  • 19、In old days wealth and power centralizedin the hands of a few noble families.(從前,財富和權(quán)力集中在少數(shù)貴族家族的手中。)
  • 20、"My life isin the hands of God. Why should I be afraid?" she said.(她說:“我的生命掌握在上帝手中,我害怕什么呢?”)
  • 21、The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic workin the hands of the UN.(法國人提出了將外交工作交由聯(lián)合國處理的意見。)
  • 22、The remedy liesin the hands of the government.(解決辦法就在政府手中。)
  • 23、Thus, they are putting the responsibilityin the hands of the developers.(因此,他們將這個責(zé)任交到開發(fā)人員的手中。)
  • 24、Production was generallyin the hands of skilled individual artisans doing piecework under the tutelage of a master who was also the shop owner.(生產(chǎn)工作一般在師傅也是店主的監(jiān)視下,由熟練的工匠計件而成。)
  • 25、Power is largely concentratedin the hands of a small elite.(權(quán)力主要集中在少數(shù)精英人物的手里。)
  • 26、When we trustin the hands of a greater power, our life's work can be truly beautiful.(當(dāng)我們相信更強大的力量,我們的生活才會真正美麗。)
  • 27、There is still money leftin the hands of people and is finding way out.(大家手中的余錢還在那兒,總要找出路。)

in the hands of基本釋義

in the hands of
