
in the open air造句

in the open air造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:39:27


in the open air造句

  • 1、In zoos, animals are no longer kept in cages, but in great spaces, eitherin the open air or in enormous greenhouses.(在動(dòng)物園里,動(dòng)物不再被關(guān)在籠子里,而是生活在廣闊的空間里:要么是露天的環(huán)境,要么是巨大的溫室。)
  • 2、Many were injured and there were still a lot of dead bodies rottingin the open air.(有許多人生病,現(xiàn)場還擺著許多正在腐爛的遺體。)
  • 3、The film will be shownin the open air.(電影將露天放映。)
  • 4、Autumn outside the store is better than thatin the open air.(商店外的秋天比露天的秋天更好。)
  • 5、I feel that he is capable of fulfilling the taskin the open air.(我覺得他有能力在戶外完成這項(xiàng)任務(wù)。)
  • 6、Elsewhere prisoners sleptin the open air in the meadows, piled on top of each other.(其他監(jiān)獄里的囚犯,都一個(gè)壓著一個(gè),睡在敞開的堂屋里。處處空氣緊張,人心浮動(dòng),這在巴黎是少有的。)
  • 7、I went into the fields, intending to sleepin the open air, beneath the stars.(我就跑到田里,打算露天過一宵。)
  • 8、Holding the weddingin the open air or below water should be a romantic thing.(在空中或水中舉行婚禮應(yīng)該是件浪漫的事。)
  • 9、He passed hoursin the open air sitting with folded hands like a placid homely household god.(他每天要在戶外待上幾個(gè)鐘頭,交叉著雙手坐在那里,就象一位安祥慈愛的家庭守護(hù)神。)
  • 10、Whether we will hold a partyin the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.(我們明天是否在戶外開晚會(huì)要看天氣而定。)
  • 11、To take exercise in doors is less beneficial thanin the open air.(在室內(nèi)鍛煉不如在室外鍛煉更有益。)
  • 12、My answer has always been no: not only can people move around and thus avoid intense exposure, but smoke quickly dispersesin the open air.(我通常會(huì)告訴他們:“不是的?!比巳菏强梢砸苿?dòng)的,因此就會(huì)避免接觸到過濃的煙氣,而且煙氣在戶外很快就能擴(kuò)散開。)
  • 13、One study suggests that spending 20 minutesin the open air gives your brain an energy boost comparable to one cup of joe.(一項(xiàng)研究顯示:在室外待20分鐘,會(huì)讓你的大腦精神振奮,相當(dāng)于一杯咖啡帶給你的能量。)
  • 14、I have beenin the open air continuously for the past seventy-five years.(我已經(jīng)在外面一直呆了七十五年了。)
  • 15、People loved lifein the open air.(人們熱愛露天生活。)
  • 16、They again ate outside, for Clara had to bein the open air all day, if possible.(他們又在外面吃飯了,因?yàn)榭死绻梢缘脑挘徽於紩?huì)待在露天里。)
  • 17、I like flowers, all kinds of flowers, especially cymbidium. I always imagine I'm a cymbidium, growing wildin the open air.(我喜歡花,所有的花都喜歡,特別是蘭花。我總是想象著我就是一株蘭花,生長在大自然中,無人照管,無人問津。)
  • 18、Many families eat their dinnerin the open air.(許多家人都在戶外吃晚餐。)
  • 19、On Mid-Autumn Day, families often stayin the open air near their houses at night.(在中秋節(jié),很多家庭夜晚通常呆在住宅附近的室外。)
  • 20、The film will be shownin the open air tonight.(今晚電影在露天演。)
  • 21、Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery; drinking teain the open air is an agreeable enjoyment.(杭州以秀美的景色聞名,在露天品茶是種享受。)
  • 22、Workers workingin the open air have a high risk in their health.(工人工作在露天有很高的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)在他們的健康。)
  • 23、We sleep out under the stars, and eat our mealsin the open air.(我們露宿在星空下,在戶外用餐。) hao86.com
  • 24、Gauguin, the more forceful personality, wanted to draw in the studio, van Gogh to paintin the open air.(具有更強(qiáng)勢個(gè)性的高更希望可以在畫室里面進(jìn)行創(chuàng)作而讓梵高到戶外去創(chuàng)作。)
  • 25、My father likes to spend the daysin the open air.(我的爸爸喜歡到露天的郊外去度周末。)
  • 26、The National Parks in England are called "England's Breathing Spaces" because they are places where people can go to bein the open air, away from the dirt and noise of cities.(英國的國家公園被稱為“英國的呼吸空間”,因?yàn)樵谀抢锶藗兛梢赃h(yuǎn)離城市的塵土和噪音,享受戶外的空氣。)
  • 27、If the work catches alight againin the open air then you definitely end up with a pile of ash.(如果作品在外界空氣中重新燃著了一丁點(diǎn)的火花,那么你最終只能得到一堆灰燼。)
  • 28、He likes to cookin the open air.(他喜歡在外面做飯。)

in the open air基本釋義

in the open air

英 [in e? ??up?n e?(r)] 美 [?n ei ?op?n er] 
戶外; 露天