
instead of造句

instead of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:38:40


instead of造句

  • 1、Doctors sometimes prescribe cheaper generic drugsinstead of more expensive brand names.(醫(yī)生有時(shí)開比較便宜的非注冊(cè)商標(biāo)的藥品,而不開比較昂貴的品牌藥。)
  • 2、The islanders use a system of barterinstead of money.(島上的居民實(shí)行的是以物易物,而不是用貨幣。)
  • 3、I took your baginstead of mine by mistake.(我不巧錯(cuò)拿了你的包。) Hao86.com
  • 4、instead of the country admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem.(該國未承認(rèn)自己的錯(cuò)誤,只是對(duì)這個(gè)問題稍作修改。)
  • 5、We just had soupinstead of a full meal.(我們沒有吃全餐,只喝了湯。)
  • 6、instead of taking offence, the woman smiled.(那女人不但不生氣反而笑了。)
  • 7、instead of her normal southward course towards Alexandria and home, she headed west.(她不走平常向南去亞歷山大和家鄉(xiāng)的路,而是向西走。)
  • 8、instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.(不像平時(shí)那樣邁著莊嚴(yán)的步子,他幾乎是在跑。)
  • 9、He spent more time perfecting his dance movesinstead of gym work.(他用更多的時(shí)間來完善他的舞蹈動(dòng)作而不是健身。)
  • 10、Now I can walk to workinstead of going by car.(現(xiàn)在我可以步行去上班,而不必開車了。)
  • 11、Many teachers are opting for group discussionsinstead of handouts.(許多教師選擇組織小組討論,而不是發(fā)講義。)
  • 12、It made Peter kickinstead of stab.(它讓彼得踢而不是刺。)
  • 13、We were still playing at war – dropping leafletsinstead of bombs.(我們?nèi)匀辉诎褢?zhàn)爭(zhēng)當(dāng)兒戲–在空投傳單而不是在投炸彈。)
  • 14、instead of stagehands, the actors will move the scenery right in front of the audience.(演員們將替代舞臺(tái)工作人員,當(dāng)著觀眾的面置換布景。)
  • 15、He put a plusinstead of a minus.(他填了個(gè)加號(hào)而不是減號(hào)。)
  • 16、Wade was going to be paid a salary,instead of by the hour, whether he put in forty hours or not.(韋德將領(lǐng)月薪,而不是小時(shí)工資,無論他是否干夠40個(gè)小時(shí)。)
  • 17、instead of tragedy, we got melodrama.(我們看到的是情節(jié)劇,而不是悲劇。)
  • 18、Under the new plan, customers would pay $45 bimonthly,instead of $18 a month – a substantial increase.(根據(jù)新方案,顧客將每?jī)蓚€(gè)月支付$45,而不是每個(gè)月$18——一個(gè)相當(dāng)大的增長(zhǎng)。)
  • 19、They raised prices and cut production,instead of cutting costs.(他們提高了價(jià)格,減少了產(chǎn)量,而沒有削減成本。)
  • 20、It's likely you'd prefer to feel happyinstead of sad, or confidentinstead of insecure.(你可能更喜歡開心而不是傷心,更喜歡自信而不是不安。)
  • 21、She put diesel fuel,instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.(她把柴油代替汽油灌入油箱,造成發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)失靈。)
  • 22、But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocksinstead of making new products.(但該調(diào)查也顯示各企業(yè)正在任其庫存減少而不生產(chǎn)新的產(chǎn)品。)
  • 23、He builds furniture using wooden pegsinstead of nails.(他用木釘而不是鐵釘制作家具。)
  • 24、He wanted to decide for himselfinstead of blindly following his parents' advice.(他想自己拿主意,而不是盲目聽從他父母的意見。)
  • 25、I want grits with my eggsinstead of hash browns.(我想要粗玉米粉加雞蛋而不是土豆煎餅。)
  • 26、I would accompany the pictures with a running commentary,instead of music.(我會(huì)實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播圖像,而不是音樂。)
  • 27、Much of the discount is pocketed by retailersinstead of being passed on to customers.(折扣的大部分進(jìn)了零售商的腰包,而顧客沒有得到實(shí)惠。)
  • 28、instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.(我不想在生活中忙忙碌碌,而想做更有意義的事。)
  • 29、He should have shotinstead of passing.(他本該射門,不該傳球。)

instead of基本釋義

instead of

英 [in?sted ?v] 美 [?n?st?d ?v] 
代替;而不是 ...