iron out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:38:13


iron out造句

  • 1、She tried hard toiron out the wrinkles over her blouse.(她費了很大的力氣才把上衣上的皺紋熨平。)
  • 2、I know that we haven't seen eye to eye on all these issues, but I am sure we can work together toiron out the problems.(我知道我們無法在所有的事項上都統(tǒng)一觀點,但是我肯定我們一起努力就能解決問題。)
  • 3、He says car engineers still need toiron out kinks with braking, emergency handling and acceleration.(他說,汽車工程師們還需要消除制動,緊急處置和加速方面的缺陷。)
  • 4、The two had set a June deadline, timed to coincide with Sir David’s retirement, toiron out their differences.(這兩個組織設定的解決分歧并達成共識的最后期限是今年6月,這正好與戴維爵士的退休時間相吻合。)
  • 5、The directors are trying toiron out the difficulties connected with the new contract.(董事們在設法解決新合同帶來的種種困難。)
  • 6、Now, more and more, the successful apps are ones that actually improve your life oriron out real-life wrinkles.(現(xiàn)在越來越多成功的app是能真正改善你的生活或者消除生活中不便之處的。)
  • 7、The Finance Committee tried toiron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner’s hearing until January 21st.(金融委員會嘗試為其解難,將蓋特納的聽證推遲至1月21日。)
  • 8、Warner Bros. executives, including CEO Barry Meyer and COO Alan Horn, williron out a possible price Friday with Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes.(華納兄弟首席執(zhí)行官巴里·梅耶爾和首席運營官艾倫·霍恩等高管將于當?shù)貢r間19日與時代華納首席執(zhí)行官杰夫·貝克斯一同商定收購米高梅的價格。)
  • 9、Part of its purpose will be toiron out the kind of differences that have niggled over the past few months.(委員會的部分意圖將解決過去幾個月一直找岔子的分歧原因。)
  • 10、She patted the front of her dress as if toiron out any wrinkles.(她輕拍裙子的前擺,好似要熨平皺折似的。)
  • 11、Mr Trichet has striven to build consensus on the rate-setting council, sometimes calling up members toiron out problems.(特里謝在利率制定會議上努力建立共識,有時會召集成員解決問題。)
  • 12、Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching andiron out glitches before any decision to expand their use.(負責這一項目的官員們正努力改進機器人的教學質量,并在決定推廣使用前解決一些小問題。)
  • 13、BGood. We can hold more talks later on toiron out the details.(很好。稍后我們再談談,解決一些細節(jié)問題。)
  • 14、He offered toiron out the wrinkles in her dress.(他提出,要替她熨平衣服上的褶皺。)
  • 15、NPR Scott Horsley reports there are still details toiron out.(NPR記者斯科特·霍斯利帶來報道,計劃仍有些細節(jié)需要敲定。)
  • 16、I shall have toiron out the creases in this dress.(我得把這件連衣裙上的皺痕熨平。)
  • 17、We need toiron out the kinks in the new system.(我們需要理順新制度中的一些問題。) 【好工具】
  • 18、However, in the past few weeks the two groups have managed toiron out most of the remaining problems, according to a person close to the matter.(不過,據(jù)知情人士表示,過去幾周這兩家公司已成功解決了大多數(shù)遺留問題。)
  • 19、Server points to the script or executable to run, while log_type specifies additional logging to helpiron out any wrinkles in the service.(server指向要運行的腳本或可執(zhí)行程序,log_type指定更高的日志記錄級別,這有助于解決服務中的任何問題。)
  • 20、Election workers like it because the system allows them to test election procedures, affording them time toiron out flaws.(選站工作者也喜歡先期選舉制,這讓他們可以對投票過程進行測試,有更多的時間彌補缺陷。)
  • 21、I alwaysiron out the folds in new sheets, so that they are more comfortable to sleep in.(我總是把新床單的褶子熨平,這樣躺上去就更舒服了。)
  • 22、I think we caniron out any differences in the meeting.(我認為我們能夠在會上消除所有分歧。)
  • 23、It took a long time toiron out all the creases in this dress.(燙平這件衣服上的皺痕花了很長時間。)
  • 24、Could youiron out the wrinkles in my dress?(請幫我熨平連衣裙上的褶皺好嗎?)
  • 25、The Geronimo developers took as much time as needed toiron out these details in their negotiations with IBM for the sale of Gluecode.(Geronimo開發(fā)人員在與IBM關于銷售Gluecode的談判中花費了許多的時間,才解決了這些細節(jié)方面的問題。)
  • 26、You could also use this time toiron out peace agreements with competitors and enemies.(你也可以利用這段時間來打通與競爭對手和敵人的和平協(xié)定。)

iron out基本釋義

iron out

英 [?ai?n aut] 美 [?a??n a?t] 
熨平; 消除(困難等)