
intensive care unit造句

intensive care unit造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:38:36


intensive care unit造句

  • 1、Lorraine, Terry's wife of 25 years, remembers seeing him in the 15intensive care unit for the first time after the accident.(和特里生活了25年的妻子洛蘭,回憶起事故后第一次在重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房看到丈夫時(shí)的情形。)
  • 2、The patients placed in theintensive care unit, who comprised 5% of the total, took up 75% of the overall treatment cost for all self-poisoned patients at the general hospital.(重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房?jī)?nèi)的患者占總量的5%,但他們的治療費(fèi)用卻占綜合醫(yī)院內(nèi)所有自體中毒患者治療費(fèi)用總額的75%。)
  • 3、Objective To explore the characteristics of blood acid base disturbance and serum anion gap (AG) of neonates in neonatalintensive care unit (NICU).(目的探討新生兒重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室(NICU)中新生兒血液酸堿失衡和陰離子間隙(AG)的特點(diǎn)。)
  • 4、Admission tointensive care unit (ICU) was the secondary outcome measure and a surrogate measure of morbidity.(次要指標(biāo)為入住重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房(icu),并將此作為發(fā)病率的替代指標(biāo)。)
  • 5、Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy's, Nordstrom, and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of anintensive care unit.(梅西百貨、諾德斯特龍和塔吉特等大型零售商店發(fā)布的財(cái)報(bào),就像參觀重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室一樣令人振奮。)
  • 6、A patient in theintensive care unit where I work is dying from an infection that is resistant to all known antibiotics.(我工作的重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房的一位病人因?yàn)橐环N對(duì)所有已知抗生素均有抗體反應(yīng)的感染正在瀕臨死亡。)
  • 7、Precaution, early diagnosis and therapy, and to cure in neurosurgeryintensive care unit(NICU) can improve its prognosis.(預(yù)防、早期診斷治療以及在神經(jīng)外科重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室(NICU)內(nèi)治療可以改善預(yù)后;)
  • 8、This paper reports a specific attempt to design one organizational subunit, a pediatricintensive care unit, to function under difficult circumstances.(本文試圖設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)組織的子單位——一個(gè)小兒科醫(yī)療單位,以使它能夠在不同環(huán)境條件下發(fā)揮功能。)
  • 9、While 67% of babies required admission to the neonatalintensive care unit at 34 weeks, only 7% of those born at 38 weeks required the same care.(胎齡34周的嬰兒中有67%需要進(jìn)新生兒特護(hù)病房,而37周出生的嬰兒這一數(shù)字僅為7%。)
  • 10、Objective To investigate the value of applications on tube changer which was used in treating the difficult tracheal intubations inintensive care unit.(目的探討換管器在重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室困難氣管插管中的應(yīng)用價(jià)值。)
  • 11、Objective To summarize the application of percutaneous tracheostomy inintensive care unit (ICU).(目的觀察經(jīng)皮擴(kuò)張氣管切開術(shù)在危重患者的臨床療效。)
  • 12、Objective; to discuss the related factors of Surgicalintensive care unit in order to further reduce the death rate in SICU.(目的:為了進(jìn)一步減少外科重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房(SICU)病死率,探討了SICU死亡患者的相關(guān)因素。)
  • 13、But after spending Christmas day in an induced coma and three weeks in the paediatricintensive care unit, against all odds, Ruby made a miraculous recovery.(但Ruby在誘發(fā)性昏迷中度過圣誕并在兒科重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室度過三周以后,盡管磨難重重,竟奇跡般地恢復(fù)過來。)
  • 14、I was rushed to a hospital in Nairobi by well-wishers and was immediately taken into theintensive care unit where a myriad of tests, x-rays and medications were administered.(一些好心人將我送進(jìn)內(nèi)羅畢的一家醫(yī)院,并立即送入重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室,我在那里接受了各種檢查、X光透視和藥物治療。)
  • 15、Pregnant women are ten times more likely to need care in anintensive care unit when compared with the general population.(與一般人群相比,孕婦需要接受重癥監(jiān)護(hù)的可能性要高10倍。)
  • 16、Objective To explore the safety nursing effect of neonates in neonatalintensive care unit.(目的探討新生兒監(jiān)護(hù)病區(qū)患兒安全護(hù)理的效果。)
  • 17、I died eight times while I was in theintensive care unit and even when I woke up from my coma, I couldn't talk or communicate.(當(dāng)我在加護(hù)病房時(shí),我死了8次,就算是我從昏迷中醒過來之后,我仍不能發(fā)聲講話或者與人交流。)
  • 18、Imagine operating a beauty salon with all the tools and chemicals that go with it inside a Neonatalintensive care unit.(想像一下,一個(gè)美容沙龍以及所有的用具和化學(xué)用品都設(shè)立在新生兒加強(qiáng)監(jiān)護(hù)病房?jī)?nèi)。)
  • 19、Following surgery you will be in anintensive care unit for around one or two days.(手術(shù)后,你將在一個(gè)密集的深切治療部約一或二天。)
  • 20、Tse was transferred to theintensive care unit on April 15 after her condition deteriorated.(謝醫(yī)生于四月十五日病情惡化,轉(zhuǎn)送深切治療部。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 21、AIM: to observe antibacterial activity of cefepime to bacteria ofintensive care unit (ICU) nosocomial infection in vitro.(目的:觀察頭孢吡肟對(duì)重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房(icu)院內(nèi)感染細(xì)菌的體外抗菌活性。)
  • 22、These include current health problems, age at delivery, length of stay in the neonatalintensive care unit and the educational level of the primary caregiver.(這些因素包括當(dāng)前健康狀況,分娩年齡,住在新生兒重癥監(jiān)護(hù)病房的時(shí)間長(zhǎng)短以及啟蒙者的文化水平。)
  • 23、Objective to investigate the sleep quality and related factors among patients ofintensive care unit (ICU).(目的探討icu環(huán)境對(duì)患者睡眠質(zhì)量的影響及其相關(guān)因素。)
  • 24、Devi was placed in theintensive care unit of the hospital because she had a heart attack, but she died Thursday morning.(德維因?yàn)樾呐K病而被送進(jìn)了重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室,但是死于周四早晨。)
  • 25、And when you measure the output of the brainintensive care unit, we typically look at two or three.(當(dāng)我們測(cè)量腦輸出量時(shí),尤其是在重病看護(hù)病房,particularly,in,the,icu,—,我們一般會(huì)測(cè)量2到3個(gè)周長(zhǎng)。)
  • 26、In fact, she was lying metres away in theintensive care unit of the same hospital.(而實(shí)際上,他女兒就在幾米外同所醫(yī)院的重癥病房里。)
  • 27、Children will spend time in theintensive care unit (ICU) after a truncus repair.(在共同動(dòng)脈干矯治術(shù)后患兒將在監(jiān)護(hù)室里待上一段時(shí)間。)

intensive care unit基本釋義

intensive care unit

英 [in?tensiv k?? ?ju:nit] 美 [?n?t?ns?v k?r ?jun?t] 
