just now造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:48


just now造句

  • 1、They were herejust now.(他們剛才在這兒。)
  • 2、A boy called Tom called youjust now.(一個(gè)叫湯姆的男孩剛才給你打過(guò)電話。)
  • 3、It sounds like the seajust now.(剛才它聽(tīng)起來(lái)像大海。)
  • 4、He read this letterjust now.(他剛才讀過(guò)這封信。)
  • 5、Business is goodjust now.(目前生意很紅火。)
  • 6、Just as I saidjust now.(就好像我剛才說(shuō)的。) haO86.com
  • 7、You don't know how lucky it is, your turning upjust now!(你不知道你現(xiàn)在來(lái)是多么幸運(yùn)!)
  • 8、just now I called her.(我剛才給她打了電話。)
  • 9、"She was herejust now," he said a little impatiently.(“她剛才還在這兒。”他有點(diǎn)不耐煩地說(shuō)。)
  • 10、I saidjust now.(我剛剛才說(shuō)過(guò)。)
  • 11、I moved itjust now.(我剛才把它移走了。)
  • 12、Who calledjust now?(剛才是誰(shuí)打的電話?)
  • 13、just now he was just messing around.(他剛才純屬搗亂。)
  • 14、He telephonedjust now.(他剛才打來(lái)過(guò)電話。)
  • 15、You looked pretty upsetjust now.(你剛才看上去很沮喪。)
  • 16、Who were you talking tojust now?(你剛才在跟誰(shuí)說(shuō)話?)
  • 17、I heard himjust now.(我剛才聽(tīng)到了他說(shuō)話。)
  • 18、He called youjust now.(他剛才給你打電話了。)
  • 19、I lost my chemistry bookjust now.(我剛才丟了我的化學(xué)書(shū)。)
  • 20、I phoned youjust now.(我剛才試圖給你打電話。)
  • 21、I'd love to have a break, but I can't spare the timejust now.(我是想休息一下,可眼下找不出時(shí)間。)
  • 22、He ate a lemonjust now.(他剛才吃了一個(gè)檸檬。)
  • 23、I spokejust now of being in love.(我剛才說(shuō)到戀愛(ài)了。)
  • 24、We just metjust now!(我們剛才才見(jiàn)過(guò)面的!)
  • 25、Now do as I didjust now.(現(xiàn)在按照我剛才做的進(jìn)行。)
  • 26、I'm pretty busyjust now.(我此刻很忙。)
  • 27、Yes. Just like we saidjust now.(韓佳:嗯,就好像我們剛才說(shuō)的。)
  • 28、This just arrived, we just brought this upjust now.(這些剛到,我們剛剛搬上來(lái)。)
  • 29、Please excuse me for having offended youjust now.(剛才冒犯了你,請(qǐng)?jiān)彙?
  • 30、just now our blood dances to other music.(現(xiàn)在我們的血液隨著另一種音樂(lè)跳舞。)

just now基本釋義

just now

英 [d??st nau] 美 [d??st na?] 
剛才; 此刻