
keep record造句

keep record造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:37


keep record造句

  • 1、Do youkeep record while crew works?(您對船員的工作做記錄嗎?)
  • 2、Keep a record of all your achievements no matter how small.(記錄下你所有的成績,不論有多小。)
  • 3、Keep a record of what you eat and you'll probably start eating more wisely.(記錄下自己每天的飲食,你可能就會更為明智地選擇用餐。)
  • 4、To issue andkeep record of keys and floor master keys to other departments andfloors.(分發(fā)和收回各個樓層和其它部門的各種鑰匙。)
  • 5、Count and analyze natural freight and additional freight andkeep record and report at the end of every month.(計算與分析由于各種原因產(chǎn)生的正常運費和額外運費,并形成記錄每月底進(jìn)行匯總上報;)
  • 6、Log files can grow very large and in many cases you will want to keep an historical record of events on your machine for problems.(日志文件可能變得很大,在許多情況下,您需要保存計算機上事件的歷史記錄,以便解決問題。)
  • 7、After checked out docs without problem, I will pay the charge. Then go to plant inspection section office to get record. Office chief signed and other clerkkeep record.(等所有的文件檢查無誤時,我就要去交費,然后去植物檢驗部門辦公室去取檢驗結(jié)果,辦公室主任簽字,其他成員保留記錄。)
  • 8、Passbook a book issued by a bank tokeep record of all transactions on a savings account, such as deposits, withdrawals, and interest earned.(存折銀行發(fā)行的存款本,記錄儲蓄賬戶上的各項交易,如存款、取款和利得等。)
  • 9、Keep a record to identify the triggers and timing of your symptoms.(通過記錄,確認(rèn)癥狀發(fā)病誘因和癥狀開始結(jié)束時間。)
  • 10、Returnable packing materials: Responsible for customer and supplier returnable packing materials management andkeep record accordingly for all in and out process.(循環(huán)周轉(zhuǎn)包材:負(fù)責(zé)客戶和供應(yīng)商周轉(zhuǎn)包材管理,并建立臺賬明細(xì)。)
  • 11、You should keep a record of your expenses.(你應(yīng)該記下你的各項開支。)
  • 12、Teachers must keep a record of students' attendances.(老師必須記錄學(xué)生的出勤情況。)
  • 13、What might in normal times have been a brief liquidity squeeze became a death grip as Banks ordered tokeep record levels of funds in reserves to fight inflation withheld even routine loans.(由于銀行被勒令保持存款準(zhǔn)備金的基準(zhǔn)水平以對抗通脹,常規(guī)貸款也因此受到限制,正常時期下可能出現(xiàn)的短期流動性短缺演變成了死結(jié)。)
  • 14、Despite only having 75 followers 5, Wang said she will keep posting updates, as she considers it a meaningful way tokeep record of her daily life and to share opinions with others.(雖然目前粉絲只有75人,但王亦然表示,公眾號為自己提供了一個記錄日常生活和與他人分享觀點的平臺,非常有意義,所以她表示自己會繼續(xù)更新下去。)
  • 15、Keep a small notepad and record what you see.(帶一個小記事本,記錄下你的見聞。)
  • 16、The Deputy Manager shallkeep record of such complaints and the redressal actions by the branch.(副經(jīng)理應(yīng)將該投訴、以及分行采取的措施記錄在冊。)
  • 17、From now on, the victims - and all too often the perpetrators as well - will keep a record.(從現(xiàn)在開始,那些受害者---甚至那些行兇者們也同樣---會記錄下這一切。)
  • 18、Loyal Pocket willkeep record of all your collected loyalty stamps with no hassle.(忠誠的口袋里將保持創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的所有收集的忠誠郵票,沒有麻煩。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 19、Keep a record to identify the triggers and timing of your symptoms. This will allow you to intervene with strategies that may help to lessen them.(通過記錄,確認(rèn)癥狀發(fā)病誘因和癥狀開始結(jié)束時間。這有助于你采取措施進(jìn)行干涉以緩解癥狀。)
  • 20、Take temperature checks as required andkeep record.(檢查溫度情況,并且做好記錄。)
  • 21、They keep taking pictures because they think that it helps record the moment.(他們一直在拍照片,因為他們認(rèn)為這能夠記錄這個時刻。)
  • 22、Strengths: : One, it helps create and maintain the emotional bonds with friends and relatives. Two, it helps parentskeep record of every important stage of their children's development.(優(yōu)勢:其一,它能幫助建立和維持朋友和親人間的情感紐帶。其二,它能幫助父母記錄他們子女成長的每一個重要階段。)

keep record基本釋義