
keep under control造句

keep under control造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:37


keep under control造句

  • 1、Keep diabetes under control.(及時控制糖尿病。)
  • 2、I keep my weight under (reasonable) control by ritualizing.(我用固定的方式把合理控制體重。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、Not until the war France in 1697 did William III persuade Parliament to create a professional standing army, and Parliaments price for doing so was to keep the army under tight legislative control.(直到1697年的法國戰(zhàn)爭,威廉三世才說服國會建立一支專業(yè)的常備軍,而國會這樣做的代價是將軍隊置于嚴格的立法控制之下。)
  • 4、If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.(如果你有糖尿病,控制好你的血糖。)
  • 5、He just seemed to balloon and couldn't keep it under control.(他無法控制自己的體重,看起來就像氣球一樣。)
  • 6、It doesn't matter how well you dress, how positive you are or how well-spoken you are if you cannot keep everything under control.(如果你不能把所有事情控制在掌握之中,那么無論你穿得多么得體,多么積極樂觀,口才多么好都沒什么用。)
  • 7、The five strategies below can help you keep your name under control, and keep your clients from turning against you.(下面的五個策略可以幫你控制自己的名聲,并可以避免客戶反對你。)
  • 8、This goes together with planning: you turn a big and hairy project into a set of small furry balls you can alwayskeep under control.(這與計劃是相輔相成的:你要把一個龐大而棘手的項目變成一堆你總能控制住的毛茸茸的小球。)
  • 9、Conversely, inappropriate control and eradication measures are at the root of such endemic situations, which are much more difficult, and infinitely more costly, tokeep under control or eradicate.(荷蘭在典型的豬瘟發(fā)生了一個多月之后才發(fā)現(xiàn),診斷前已經(jīng)有39頭豬被感染。然而,不當?shù)目刂坪透胧┦窃斐蛇@類疾病流行的原因,控制和根除它們更困難,成本也高得多。)
  • 10、Who has been the person who has tried to keep spending under control?(誰是那個一直試圖在控制花銷的人?)
  • 11、The insurers that survive will be those that keep costs under control.(那些能控制成本的保險公司將幸存下來。)
  • 12、So you really want to keep your GC heap size under control.(所以你真的需要控制你的GC堆尺寸。)
  • 13、In Part 5 of this series, let's look at a handful of techniques that can help keep explosions of files under control.(在本系列的第5部分中,讓我們來討論一些有價值的技術,它們可以幫助您控制文件數(shù)目急劇增加的局面。)
  • 14、Monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels to keep them under control.(通過監(jiān)測自己的血壓和膽固醇來控制他們。)
  • 15、Prune in the autumn to keep the plant under control; reduce side shoots by two-thirds to keep the growth strong.(秋天里修剪以控制樹形;將側枝剪去三分之二以保持生長旺盛。)
  • 16、To keep it under control, HSBC imposes a global 12.5% cap on commercial-property assets as a proportion of its overall book.(為了控制商業(yè)地產(chǎn)的貸款,匯豐銀行(HSBC)將貸款比例控制在全球業(yè)務的12.5%以內(nèi)。)
  • 17、Britain, France, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and others have all indicated their determination to keep deficits under control, with varying degrees of conviction.(英國、法國、愛爾蘭、西班牙、葡萄牙以及其他一些國家均表明了其控制赤字的決心,只是信念的程度有所不同。)
  • 18、It's also important to keep stress under control. Too much stress may interfere with your blood sugar level and make it harder to take good care of yourself - and your baby.(在可控制范圍內(nèi)保持壓力也很重要,太大的壓力可能會干擾你的血糖水平,讓你更難照顧好自己和寶寶。)
  • 19、Absorbing heat and regulating temperature and humidity, it willkeep under control local space micro-climate, contributing at the same time in contrasting the urban heat island effect.(可吸收水分與熱量,調(diào)節(jié)地表局部空間的溫濕度,對調(diào)節(jié)城市小氣候、緩解城市熱島效應有較大的作用。)
  • 20、Secondly, you want to keep the time you spend in GC under control.(其次,你希望控制花在GC上的時間。)
  • 21、Manage chronic conditions. If you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, follow your doctor's treatment recommendations. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.(控制心血管疾病的慢性病程。如果你血脂、血壓高,遵循醫(yī)生給你的治療建議。如果你有糖尿病,控制好你的血糖。)

keep under control基本釋義

keep under control
