
keep track of造句

keep track of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:36


keep track of造句

  • 1、While I was slow to accept that I would be the one tokeep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her, Misty knew this on day one.(我慢慢才接受我可能是那個會拍照記錄她的成長,帶她看獸醫(yī),給她喂食,洗澡的人,但米斯蒂在第一天就知道了這一點。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 2、keep track of your recent activity.(跟蹤最近的活動。)
  • 3、When you start having financial obligations, rents, taxes, you have tokeep track of how often you pay.(當(dāng)你開始承擔(dān)經(jīng)濟(jì)責(zé)任、租金、稅收時,你必須記錄你支付的頻率。)
  • 4、Paired buffers are easier tokeep track of.(成對的緩沖區(qū)更容易進(jìn)行跟蹤。)
  • 5、Or wear a pedometer andkeep track of your steps.(或者,戴上計步器記錄你的步數(shù),也是不錯的選擇。)
  • 6、With eleven thousand employees, it's very difficult tokeep track of them all.(有11000名員工,很難了解他們所有人的動向。)
  • 7、Just make sure youkeep track of all your expenses.(只要做好一切費用的記錄就行了。)
  • 8、There are all sorts of things that we have to obviously monitor, tokeep track of what can influence our industry.(我們必須監(jiān)控各種各樣的事情,跟蹤哪些事情會影響我們的行業(yè)。)
  • 9、Be sure tokeep track of changes.(確定保持對變更的追蹤。)
  • 10、Ancient agricultural civilizations observed the stars and then used those observations tokeep track of the seasons.(古代農(nóng)業(yè)文明觀察星星并用來觀測記錄季節(jié)變化。)
  • 11、Your pages will be easier tokeep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.(這樣做能讓你的頁面更加一目了然,并且,如果你必須剪切一個段落并把它放在其他位置上,另一側(cè)的文字也不會丟失。)
  • 12、keep track of search rankings for critical keywords.(要不斷關(guān)注針對重要關(guān)鍵詞的搜索排名。)
  • 13、keep track of all changes.(追蹤所有的變更。)
  • 14、The Immigration and Naturalization Service lacks the resources, and apparently the inclination, tokeep track of the estimated 2 million foreigners who have intentionally overstayed their welcome.(移民歸化局缺乏資源,顯然也不愿跟蹤已估計的200萬名故意逗留過久的外國人。)
  • 15、The application lets youkeep track of owned items.(該應(yīng)用程序允許您跟蹤自己的物品。)
  • 16、keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.(記錄下你的努力,寫下你的感受。)
  • 17、Stick with your plan andkeep track of your progress.(堅持計劃,并記錄進(jìn)步的點點滴滴。)
  • 18、keep track of your pace while on the road.(在旅途中保持自己的步伐。)
  • 19、With data coverage throughout the year, you cankeep track of educational information throughout the school and even the entire city.(由于全年都有數(shù)據(jù)覆蓋,整個學(xué)校甚至是整個市區(qū)的教育信息你都能了如指掌。)
  • 20、And we mustkeep track of our actions.(而且我們必須記錄我們的行動。)
  • 21、How can Ikeep track of reviews?(如何保持對評論的關(guān)注?)
  • 22、It's hard tokeep track of the children's comings and goings.(這些孩子來來往往,很難跟得上他們的行蹤。)
  • 23、Freckle just makes you want tokeep track of your time.(Freckle只是確保你可以記錄自己的時間。)
  • 24、Why not use a more sophisticated logging mechanism tokeep track of which files have been uploaded and when?(為什么不使用更復(fù)雜的日志記錄機(jī)制來跟蹤哪些文件已經(jīng)上傳,以及何時上傳?)
  • 25、It was a very effective way for them tokeep track of their spending.(對他們來說,這是一種非常有效的記錄支出的方法。)

keep track of基本釋義

keep track of

英 [ki:p tr?k ?v] 美 [kip tr?k ?v] 
跟上 ... 的進(jìn)展;記錄