
kick about造句

kick about造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:33


kick about造句

  • 1、The class is near capacity right now (about three spots left), and I’m ready to kick this thing off next Wednesday.(上課人數(shù)就快要滿了(大概還有3個位置這樣),而且,我打算把這課程開始的時間推遲到下周三。)
  • 2、Where the Marlboro Man juggled cigarettes with a coiled lasso or a horse, Mr Landers tended tokick about in New England snow.(在萬寶路男人用一條盤繞的套索或一匹馬耍弄香煙之處,蘭德斯先生則往往是在新英格蘭的雪中游蕩。)
  • 3、I have some good news-kick back, relax, enjoy the rest of the summer, stop worrying about where your life is and isn't heading.(有一個好消息要宣布——大家可以在余下的夏日里放松放松、享受享受,停止顧慮現(xiàn)在在哪兒、未來將前往何方這些該死的問題了。)
  • 4、The song, which is about the moments before nuclear warfare, is preceded by a minute and a half of Eno-worthy buzz before the pianos and Yorke's harmonizing kick in.(這首歌內(nèi)容關(guān)于核戰(zhàn)爭到來之前的瞬間,歌曲的開始是一分半鐘的巨大嗡嗡聲,之后有鋼琴和主唱Yorke聲音的緩緩進(jìn)入。)
  • 5、A football which generates enough electricity to charge a mobile phone or power a light from a briefkick about is undergoing trials in World Cup host country South Africa.(在世界杯主辦國南非,一種通過短暫一踢而產(chǎn)生足夠電能、并能為一部手機(jī)充電或者為一個LED燈供能的足球正在接受試驗。)
  • 6、It'll earn him a little bit of money, and every pint or bottle sold could kick off a conversation about his momentous discovery 14 years ago.(這為他賺到了一點(diǎn)錢,而且出售的每一品托或每瓶酒都會讓人想起十四年的那個重要發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 7、The fear is that 'once AVIC knows enough about how to do this, they'll kick [GE] out and be on their own, ' he says.(曾是GE航空業(yè)務(wù)高管的沃森說,擔(dān)憂之處在于一旦中航工業(yè)掌握了足夠的技術(shù),他們將踢開(GE),自己單干。)
  • 8、Don't kick up a row about such trifle.(不要為小事去胡鬧。)
  • 9、Do not move about or kick up dust.(罿不要向周圍移動,避免揚(yáng)起灰塵。) haO86.com
  • 10、They hope to kick off clinical trials in about five years.(研究者們計劃用五年左右的時間完成臨床試驗。)
  • 11、I think we kick when we find out that our parents don't know much more about the world than we do.(我想我們反對是因為我們發(fā)現(xiàn)對于這個世界父母們并不比我們知道的多。)
  • 12、All I know is that I eat them about once a year for breakfast when I'm on a health-kick diet.(僅僅是為了健康,本人一年會吃一次西柚。)
  • 13、The reality is, that next fossil find could kick Archaeopteryx right back into birds. That's the thing that's really exciting about all of this.(事實是,下一次的化石發(fā)現(xiàn)能把‘始祖鳥’踢回鳥類的行列里,那可真是在關(guān)于這全部的事情里最令人興奮的呢!)
  • 14、Because the programs only kick in when you're not actively using your computer, you shouldn't have to worry about performance issues while trying to go about your normal routine.(因為這些程序只會在你不積極使用電腦的時候運(yùn)作,所以當(dāng)你試圖處理日常事務(wù)的時候,你就不應(yīng)再擔(dān)心程序的運(yùn)行問題。)
  • 15、As Brazil geared up for the World Cup, 230 miles above Earth, astronauts had their own microgravity kick-about.(巴西世界杯開幕之際,宇航員們在幾乎沒有重力的230英里高空踢起了足球。)
  • 16、I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings about the three choices we have when emotions kick in.(我希望聽到你們在情緒襲來的時候,選擇三種方法時的感想。)
  • 17、I know it seems stupid now and believe me I kick myself about it everyday but you should have seen the apartment afterwards — the tape was not a high priority.(我知道現(xiàn)在看起來很蠢,相信我,每一天我都后悔不迭,但是你本應(yīng)該看看后來我的公寓那磁帶并不要緊。)
  • 18、That was about 30 years ago, and I finally managed to kick the habit soon after that, partly because I met a woman who didn't smoke.(那是大約30年前的事了,在那不久我終于戒了煙,部分原因是我遇到了一個不抽煙的女子。)
  • 19、As Alan Pardew said, you would struggle to see this sort of turnaround in a seven-a-side Sundaykick about, let alone in the Premier League.(如阿蘭·帕杜所說,你很難在周日的七人制業(yè)余比賽中看到這種逆轉(zhuǎn),更何況英超聯(lián)賽。)
  • 20、My mother complains all day; She has a lot tokick about.(我的母親整日抱怨;她有很多要抱怨的。)
  • 21、She often knocks us about, and threatens to kick us out of the house.(她常常打我們,還威脅要把我們從房子里踢出去。)
  • 22、Unfortunately, the best way to kick-start romance is by following that tiresome marital advice about doing exciting, novel, slightly dangerous things with your spouse.(不幸的是,提高浪漫就要依照那些婚姻建議:和你的配偶嘗試新奇并冒險的事情。)
  • 23、Johnson and Nixon would never have passed the last two tests, and in Nixon's case, the line about not having "Nixon to kick around any more" was a sign he couldn't handle setbacks well.(約翰遜和尼克松一定通不過最后的兩項測試,就尼克松的例子說,他有這么句話,"我,尼某不會再待在這里任你們糟蹋了",這透露出,他并不能處理好自己的挫敗情緒。)
  • 24、The waiting is over. The World Cup is about to kick off.(漫長的等待終于結(jié)束了,南非世界杯即將鳴鑼開戰(zhàn)。)
  • 25、Asked how he did it, Eisenhower said that he just didn't think about it, and that it helped to develop a scornful attitude towards those who couldn't kick the habit.(問及他如何做到這一點(diǎn),艾森豪·威爾說,他僅僅不想它而已,這容易被人理解成是對那些不能戒除煙癮的人的一種輕蔑態(tài)度。)
  • 26、Wonder what that was about. Maybe he's gonna kick us to the street! I saw him do it to those hamsters last week!(我想知道那是什么意思。也許他要把我們轟到大街上!上周我看到他這樣對那些倉鼠們!)
  • 27、When he drew near the horses they began to jump andkick about then to scream with terror .(當(dāng)來人靠近馬兒的時候,馬兒開始亂踢亂跳,驚恐地嘶鳴起來。)

kick about基本釋義

kick about

英 [kik ??baut] 美 [k?k ??ba?t] 
