kick up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:32


kick up造句

  • 1、It's Bill's last chance tokick up his heels, you know — he's getting married the next morning.(這是比爾到外面去尋歡作樂的最后一次機(jī)會了,你知道,他第二天上午就要結(jié)婚了。)
  • 2、If I lose my job, I'm certainly going tokick up a big stink about it.(如果我丟了這份工作,我就要為此大鬧一場。)
  • 3、In the crisp autumn light I love the chance tokick up the golden leaves.(在空氣清新的秋日里,我喜歡踢著金黃落葉走路的美妙感覺。)
  • 4、If a company goes, there are people in every evening overtime, but thekick up a racket, sure to affect their lives.(鄰居家要是開公司的,每天晚上都有人在加班,吵吵鬧鬧的,肯定對自己的生活有影響。)
  • 5、If I were you, I wouldn'tkick up a fuss over that decision.(如果我是你,我就不會為那個決定大吵大鬧。)
  • 6、What will count now is the spine to see through controversial investigations, however much fuss the grocers and the rest of themkick up.(現(xiàn)在重要的是要有勇氣看穿有爭議的調(diào)查,不管各超市和其他人怎么起哄。)
  • 7、Eclipseskick up a lot of cosmic dust and it is hard to see facts, features, and other information.(日蝕會揚(yáng)起很多宇宙的塵土,模糊你的雙眼讓你很難看清事實(shí),數(shù)字或者其他信息。)
  • 8、He had no time to take a holiday andkick up his heels when he came back from the war.(當(dāng)他從戰(zhàn)場上歸來時,甚至沒有時間去休假去休假或慶祝一番。)
  • 9、But once the dust settles, you willkick up some more...(但是一旦塵埃落定,你又會搞出些事情來。)
  • 10、Aborigineskick up dust in a dance at sunset.(土著居民日落時的舞蹈能把灰塵揚(yáng)起來。)
  • 11、Verboten, at least on "bad air" days. Theykick up dust.(嚴(yán)禁使用,至少在空氣質(zhì)量差的那幾天,會產(chǎn)生揚(yáng)塵。)
  • 12、Don'tkick up a row about such trifle.(不要為小事去胡鬧。)
  • 13、If I refuse to go to the theatre, my wife is sure tokick up a row.(如果我不愿意去劇院,我妻子一定要大鬧一番的。)
  • 14、If you can pass the exam, you'dkick up your heels.(你若能考試及格,你會欣喜若狂的。)
  • 15、The Sierra Club is not going tokick up a fuss if Houston or Dallas keeps on growing.(他說,”德州平坦丑陋,如果休斯敦或者達(dá)拉斯繼續(xù)增長,地球環(huán)境協(xié)會不會有多大反應(yīng)”。)
  • 16、Wind and waveskick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.(海風(fēng)掀起海浪,濺起層層浪花,同時還濺起少許氯化納。氯化鈉就是我們平常吃的食鹽,在這過程中氯化鈉滲透到空氣中。)
  • 17、He felt his stomach started tokick up.(他感到胃開始不舒服了。)
  • 18、Do not move about orkick up dust.(罿不要向周圍移動,避免揚(yáng)起灰塵。)
  • 19、Although being able tokick up a row sometimes, that is to represent the affection between us.(雖然有時會吵鬧,但那是代表我們之間的感情。)
  • 20、That should do it. ) A stampede of aardvarks kicks up immense amounts of dust, causing our tribe member's asthma tokick up.(很有可能。)受到驚嚇奔跑的食蟻獸踢起了大量的灰塵,引起了部落成員的哮喘。)
  • 21、My steak is a bit tough but please don'tkick up a fuss and call the waiter.(我的這塊牛排有點(diǎn)老,但不必介意,不要把服務(wù)員叫來。)

kick up基本釋義

kick up

英 [kik ?p] 美 [k?k ?p] 
引起; 激起