key ring造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:34


key ring造句

  • 1、I want a newkey ring.(我想要一個(gè)新的鑰匙圈。)
  • 2、Easily closes to attach to anykey ring, making it super easy to carry.(輕松關(guān)閉附加任何鑰匙環(huán),使超級(jí)便于攜帶。)
  • 3、He gave me akey ring.(他給我一個(gè)鑰匙圈。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、Maybe get him a money clip with an engraving on it, or akey ring with an engraving on it.(你可以送他一個(gè)錢夾子,把自己的名字印在上面,或者送他個(gè)刻有你名字的鑰匙環(huán)。)
  • 5、Thiskey ring belongs to me.(這個(gè)鑰匙圈是我的。)
  • 6、Thekey ring is ours.(這鑰匙圈是我們的。)
  • 7、In the below section, you will learn to create akey ring.(在下面的小節(jié)中,您將學(xué)習(xí)如何創(chuàng)建一個(gè)密匙環(huán)。)
  • 8、But today, you can buy a 16gb-sized USB memory stick hanging on akey ring.(但在今天,你可以買一個(gè)16gb大小的USB存儲(chǔ)棒掛在鑰匙環(huán)上。)
  • 9、Thekey ring is a commonkey ring.(鑰匙環(huán)為普通鑰匙環(huán)。)
  • 10、This function begins by unblocking all signals and setting the sessionkey ring.(該函數(shù)首先解鎖所有信號(hào)并設(shè)置會(huì)話密鑰環(huán)。)
  • 11、Thatkey ring is hers.(那個(gè)鑰匙環(huán)是屬于她的。)
  • 12、Whosekey ring is that?(那是誰(shuí)的鑰匙圈?)
  • 13、It is the user ID associated with the channel's certificate when you added it to thekey ring.(把用戶ID添加到隊(duì)列管理器的密匙列表中之后與通道的證書(shū)關(guān)聯(lián)起來(lái)的用戶ID。)
  • 14、Put a whistle on yourkey ring and don't be afraid to use it if you are accosted or threatened.(準(zhǔn)備一只哨子放在你的鑰匙圈上。如果你被搭訕或威脅覺(jué)得不安全不用擔(dān)心馬上使用。)
  • 15、Thekey ring belongs to us.(這鑰匙圈屬于我們的。)
  • 16、Here's akey ring for you.(這兒有一枚鑰匙環(huán)給你。)
  • 17、How manykey ring do you have?(你有多少個(gè)鑰匙圈?)
  • 18、Each certificate added to thekey ring is an exception to this policy.(添加到密匙環(huán)的每一個(gè)證書(shū)都是這個(gè)策略的一個(gè)例外。)
  • 19、Will you show the thatkey ring?(你能把那個(gè)鑰匙圈給我看看嗎?。)
  • 20、Akey ring.(一個(gè)鑰匙扣。)
  • 21、"If it's on the samekey ring, then it's the right one," I assured her.(“如果鑰匙圈還是同一個(gè),鑰匙就沒(méi)錯(cuò),”我肯定地對(duì)她說(shuō)。)
  • 22、This practicalkey ring is also a photo frame and mirror.(這款實(shí)用的鑰匙扣也可作為相框兼鏡子。)
  • 23、It's akey ring for your new car.(這是你新車的鑰匙鏈。)
  • 24、Here is akey ring for you.(這兒有一個(gè)鑰匙圈給你。)
  • 25、Judy Smith likes thekey ring.(朱蒂·史密斯喜歡鑰匙環(huán)。)

key ring基本釋義

key ring

英 [ki: ri?] 美 [ki r??] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):key rings
