
just a moment造句

just a moment造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:49


just a moment造句

  • 1、A:just a moment. I'll see if he is available.(請(qǐng)稍等,我看看他現(xiàn)在有沒(méi)有空。)
  • 2、For a moment,just a moment, he smiled.(在這一瞬間,就一剎那,他笑了。)
  • 3、Please wait a moment.;just a moment, please.(請(qǐng)稍等一會(huì)兒。)
  • 4、W:just a moment, PLS. I'll write out a receipt for you.(W:請(qǐng)稍等,我給您開(kāi)一張收據(jù)。)
  • 5、OFFICE ASSISTANT:just a moment, please.(辦公室文員:請(qǐng)稍等。)
  • 6、just a moment. I'll just make a note of that.(請(qǐng)稍等,我把它記下來(lái)。)
  • 7、Please wait a minute.just a moment.(請(qǐng)稍等一下。)
  • 8、W:just a moment please.(W:請(qǐng)稍等。)
  • 9、Chemist:just a moment, please.(藥劑師:請(qǐng)稍等片刻。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、Just let me study a moment--just a moment.(讓我研究一會(huì)兒——就一會(huì)兒。)
  • 11、just a moment, I'm taking notes.(請(qǐng)稍等,我在做筆記。)
  • 12、Yes,just a moment.(是的,請(qǐng)稍等。)
  • 13、Let's swivel it around forjust a moment, so we have a blank slate and now what's really going on?(讓我們把它轉(zhuǎn)一下,這樣我們就有了一塊空白,現(xiàn)在到底發(fā)生了什么?)
  • 14、Joan:just a moment, please. I'll check for you.(瓊:請(qǐng)稍等一下,我為你查一下。)
  • 15、just a moment, someone's waiting to speak to me.(等一會(huì)兒,有人等著要和我說(shuō)話。)
  • 16、A:just a moment, please. Let me check.(請(qǐng)稍等,我查一下。)
  • 17、just a moment. Hold on.(等一會(huì)兒。)
  • 18、just a moment, let me change my clothes.(等一下,讓我換換衣服。)
  • 19、They got no extra cash —just a moment in the limelight.(他們沒(méi)有獲得額外報(bào)酬,只是享受了一會(huì)兒站在鎂光燈下的樂(lè)趣。)
  • 20、She was herejust a moment ago.(她方才還在這兒。)
  • 21、just a moment, please...(請(qǐng)稍候。)
  • 22、This has been an ongoing theme in our discussions, and we will be getting back to it injust a moment.(這一直是我們討論的一個(gè)持續(xù)主題,并且我們稍后將回到這里。)
  • 23、In demographic terms, it isjust a moment or two.(在人口統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)的尺度上,這只是片刻即逝的事情。)
  • 24、We'll get to that injust a moment.(我們馬上來(lái)了解一下。)
  • 25、So that's gonna be important injust a moment.(等一會(huì)兒這一點(diǎn)是很重要的。)
  • 26、Clara, havingjust a moment ago opened her eyes, looked about her in amazement.(克拉拉剛剛睜開(kāi)眼睛,驚訝地環(huán)顧四周。)
  • 27、just a moment, please, I'll work it out.(請(qǐng)等一下,我來(lái)算一下。)

just a moment基本釋義