
Lake Titicaca造句

Lake Titicaca造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:09


Lake Titicaca造句

  • 1、The Quelccaya ice core, drilled just 125 miles fromLake Titicaca, contains an annual record of precipitation for the region.(從提提卡卡湖125英里深處鉆取的奎卡亞冰巖芯記錄了該地區(qū)的年降雨量。)
  • 2、Its final destination isLake Titicaca. After which, according to the prophecies, harmony and unity will come greater to the hearts of humanity.(它的目的地是的的塔塔湖。此后,根據(jù)預(yù)言,融洽與團(tuán)結(jié)會(huì)變得更大,來(lái)到人類(lèi)心中。)
  • 3、The lords of the Titicaca region were haughty men, ruling as many as 400,000 people in kingdoms arrayed around the lake. Their lands were rich and desirable.(提提卡卡地區(qū)的領(lǐng)主們驕橫自大,他們的臣民有四十萬(wàn)之巨,散布于大湖周邊,其領(lǐng)地豐饒,物產(chǎn)豐富。)
  • 4、AtLake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and more readily available to those who align with them.(的的喀喀湖的頻率是準(zhǔn)備好給人類(lèi)的,這可讓那些與它對(duì)齊的人們更易于使用。)
  • 5、A mountain, about ', 554 m (2,490 ft) high, of western Bolivia near the eastern shore ofLake Titicaca.(玻利維亞西部的一座山,位于的的喀喀湖東岸附近,海拔約',554米2,490英尺。)
  • 6、TheLake Titicaca is one of South America, the birthplace of Indian culture.(的的喀喀湖是南美洲印第安人文化的發(fā)源地之一。)
  • 7、Floating reed islands bear homes, schools and even a radio station onLake Titicaca, which rides the border between Bolivia and Peru.(蘆葦浮島漂浮在位于玻利維亞和秘魯邊境的提提喀喀湖上,浮島上承載著民居、學(xué)校甚至還有電臺(tái)。)
  • 8、The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini andLake Titicaca.(它們中的第一個(gè)將在2008年被激活,并與其他的位于巴西、沙斯塔山、比米尼、的的喀喀湖的休眠中的水晶取得聯(lián)系。)
  • 9、On an island inLake Titicaca that was sacred to the ancient Tiwanaku culture, young craft vendors wait for tourists.(提提卡卡湖上的這塊島嶼在古蒂瓦納庫(kù)(Tiwanaku)文化中象征著神圣,島上年幼的工藝品小販們正在等待著游客們的到來(lái)。)
  • 10、The lords of the Titicaca region were haughty men, ruling as many as 400, 000 people in kingdoms arrayed around the lake.(提提卡卡地區(qū)的君主是高傲自大的人,沿湖各處管轄四十萬(wàn)人。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、Robert Thoren, 27, a mountain climber from Los Angeles, arrived here for a brief stay after a bout with pneumonia while backpacking nearLake Titicaca.(27歲的羅伯特·索倫是一位來(lái)自洛杉磯的登山愛(ài)好者,在的的喀喀湖附近徒步旅行時(shí),染上了肺炎,之后他來(lái)到這里,本打算小住幾天,不想一呆就是四年。)
  • 12、In the high plains area isLake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel.(在高原地區(qū)有的的喀喀湖,這是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。)
  • 13、Peru is braced for further rain.Lake Titicaca is close to overflowing.(秘魯正在防備進(jìn)一步發(fā)生大雨,的的喀喀湖已接近滿水位。)
  • 14、Flush with success, Inca Kings set their sights farther afield, on the wealthy lands surroundingLake Titicaca.(因?yàn)榻舆B成功而信心倍增的印加王開(kāi)始將視野投向更遠(yuǎn)的地方,他們瞄上了提提卡卡湖周?chē)母火埻恋亍?
  • 15、Ubinas is one of many volcanoes that dot the high desert plateau east ofLake Titicaca in southern Peru.(烏比納斯火山是眾多火山群中的一個(gè),這些火山群位于秘魯南部,的的喀喀湖以東的沙漠高原上。)
  • 16、The Uros islands are known as "floating" onesbecause they are made of "totora", a plant that grows onLake Titicaca, and is woven to form a floating surface.(烏魯斯人的漂流島因其能“漂流”在湖上而聞名,它們由多多拉構(gòu)成,多多拉該湖生長(zhǎng)的一種植物,烏魯斯人用其編織了漂流島。)

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