
last name造句

last name造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:03


last name造句

  • 1、And after yourlast name, put a comma.(在姓后面加上一個(gè)逗號。)
  • 2、I am good friends with Kevin. I am not sure what Kevin'slast name is.(凱文是我好朋友,關(guān)系杠杠的,姓什么我不是很清楚。)
  • 3、How to spell youlast name?(你的姓怎么拼寫?)
  • 4、Buick logo in English from the company's founder, David Buick'slast name.(別克轎車的英文車標(biāo)來源于該公司的創(chuàng)始人大衛(wèi)·別克的姓氏。)
  • 5、Clerk: How do you spell yourlast name?(服務(wù)員:您的姓怎么拼寫?)
  • 6、"Maybe my work is a way to balance thelast name," Cuervo said.(“或許我的工作就是平衡我的姓氏的一種方法”Cuervo博士說。)
  • 7、Women who keep theirlast name lose the joy of a collective family name.(保留本姓的女人失去了擁有復(fù)姓的喜悅。)
  • 8、Hotel Clerk: How do you spell yourlast name?(酒店職員:您的姓怎么拼寫?)
  • 9、How do you spell yourlast name?(你的姓是怎樣拼寫的?)
  • 10、Find the customer id of the customer bylast name.(根據(jù)姓氏發(fā)現(xiàn)客戶的客戶id。)
  • 11、Really? What's yourlast name?(真的?你姓什么?)
  • 12、In the code above, we change thelast name of the current row entry.(在上面的代碼中,我們更改了當(dāng)前行條目的lastname字段。)
  • 13、Before we got engaged, I was certain I'd keep mylast name.(訂婚前,我確信我會(huì)保留自己的姓。)
  • 14、Lori does not want herlast name used.(洛瑞不希望公布她的姓氏。)
  • 15、I am Li Ming. My first name is Ming and mylast name is Li.(我叫李明,我的名是明,我的姓是李。)
  • 16、Thelast name is retrieved in this same way.(姓也通過同樣的方式檢索。)
  • 17、In one of the study's experiments, subjects were given a brief description of a man from Chicago with thelast name Williams.(在該項(xiàng)研究的一次實(shí)驗(yàn)中,研究人員向受試者簡要描述了一名來自芝加哥、姓威廉姆斯的男子。)
  • 18、The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other bylast name.(瑞士人一般比較正式,會(huì)稱呼對方的姓氏。)
  • 19、last name: customer'slast name.(LastName:客戶的姓氏。)
  • 20、The first name and thelast name exactly match their respective criteria.(firstname和lastname精確匹配它們各自的條件。)
  • 21、His father is Chinese, hence hislast name - Li.(他的父親是中國人,因此他姓李。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 22、May I have yourlast name and first initial, please?(請您告訴我貴姓及大名的頭一個(gè)字母?)
  • 23、You might recognize thatlast name from Dell computers.(你可能會(huì)覺得“戴爾”這個(gè)名字很熟悉,是和戴爾電腦有關(guān)嗎?)
  • 24、The judge called onelast name before lunch.(午休前,法官叫來了最后一名違章司機(jī)。)
  • 25、I wasn't sure how to spell yourlast name.(我不知道你的姓氏到底該怎么拼。)
  • 26、In the payment transaction (bylast name) the following steps must occur.(在支付事務(wù)(按姓氏)中,必須發(fā)生以下步驟。)
  • 27、Yeah. Julien is hislast name.(是的,他姓朱利恩。)
  • 28、Sorry I misspelled yourlast name.(對不起,我把你的姓拼錯(cuò)了。)
  • 29、First Name -last name - Email - Country - Post code.(寫上名、姓、郵箱、國籍、郵編。)

last name基本釋義

last name

英 [lɑ:st neim] 美 [l?st nem] 
