
last night造句

last night造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:02


last night造句

  • 1、You should have heard himlast night!(你真該聽到他昨晚說的話!)
  • 2、I slept very littlelast night.(昨晚我?guī)缀鯖]怎么睡。)
  • 3、I didn't get much sleeplast night.(昨晚我沒睡好。)
  • 4、Bill's parents came for dinnerlast night.(昨天晚上,比爾的父母來吃晚飯了。)
  • 5、I'm sorry I yelled at youlast night.(很抱歉我昨晚對你大喊大叫了。)
  • 6、1.14 inches of rain felllast night.(昨晚的降雨量為1.14英寸。)
  • 7、last night they stayed at home and watched TV.(昨天晚上他們待在家里看電視。)
  • 8、We went out for a few bevvieslast night.(我們昨晚出去喝了幾杯。)
  • 9、What time did you get homelast night?(你昨晚什么時(shí)間到家的?)
  • 10、I couldn't sleeplast night.(我昨天晚上睡不著。)
  • 11、He never made it home at alllast night.(他昨天晚上根本沒有回家。)
  • 12、You got in very latelast night.(你昨晚回來得很晚。)
  • 13、Let me tell you what I sawlast night.(讓我告訴你昨晚我見到的事。) hAo86.com
  • 14、Lang's final encorelast night was "Barefoot."(蘭昨晚最后的返場加唱曲目是《赤腳》。)
  • 15、Did you hear the stormlast night ?(昨天夜里下大雨,你聽見了嗎?)
  • 16、We had some friends to dinnerlast night.(我們昨晚請了幾位朋友來家里吃飯了。)
  • 17、I drank far too muchlast night.(我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。)
  • 18、What time did you get backlast night?(你昨晚什么時(shí)候回家的?)
  • 19、Did you scorelast night?(你昨晚把她搞到手了嗎?)
  • 20、My brother called me from Spainlast night.(我弟弟昨晚從西班牙給我打電話來了。)
  • 21、Did you see that programme on Indialast night?(昨晚關(guān)于印度的那個(gè)節(jié)目你看了沒有?)
  • 22、last night a boy was drowned in the river.(昨晚一名男孩在那條河里溺水身亡。)
  • 23、A terrible thing happenedlast night.(昨天夜里發(fā)生了一件可怕的事情。)
  • 24、The club was really kickinglast night.(昨晚俱樂部真是熱鬧非凡。)
  • 25、The Jewish feast of Passover beganlast night.(猶太人的宗教節(jié)日逾越節(jié)昨晚開始了。)
  • 26、We had a wonderful timelast night.(我們昨晚過得非常愉快。)
  • 27、I didn't get a wink of sleeplast night.(我昨天一夜都沒合眼。)
  • 28、I was in a bad temperlast night.(我昨晚情緒不好。)
  • 29、I dreamt about youlast night.(我昨晚夢見你了。)
  • 30、last night she was reunited with her children.(昨天晚上,她和她的子女團(tuán)聚。)

last night基本釋義

last night

英 [lɑ:st nait] 美 [l?st na?t] 
