
lava cave造句

lava cave造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:58


lava cave造句

  • 1、Therese Madden, third from left, in Viogelmir, a lava tube cave in Iceland.(特蕾澤梅登,左起第三個,在Viogelmir,冰島的一個熔巖洞。) hAo86.com
  • 2、They confront boiling lava pits, hidden ice cave, cold weather, and a secret, even evil conspiracy.(他們勇敢地面對沸騰的熔巖坑、暗藏的冰穴、嚴(yán)寒的天氣,以及一個秘密,甚至是邪惡的陰謀。)
  • 3、There were large lava rocks scattered here and there and a small scoop of a cave off to the right.(巨大的火山熔巖散落在附近,在右邊有一個極小的山洞。)
  • 4、In the scenic area there is an exotic and beautiful underground cave which is called white cloud cave or crystal palace and is belonged to underground lava topography.(景區(qū)內(nèi)還有神奇瑰麗的地下溶洞,人們稱之為白云洞或水晶宮,屬地下巖溶地貌。)
  • 5、While I was braving the rain to explore the area, I came upon alava cave.(當(dāng)我冒雨探索這個區(qū)域時,碰上了一個熔巖洞穴。)
  • 6、Within these insulated underground passages the molten lava can continue to flow for many miles, until the source of the lava gets cut off, leaving behind a 'cave.(在這些絕緣地下通道,熔巖流能夠繼續(xù)對許多英里直到熔巖源,獲取切斷,留下了'離開洞穴。)

lava cave基本釋義

lava cave

[?lɑ:v? keiv] 
