
feel the pinch造句

feel the pinch造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:45:49


feel the pinch造句

  • 1、So, hotels neverfeel the pinch of the "cost" of that piece of business.(因此,酒店永遠感受不到這塊業(yè)務(wù)的“成本”所帶來的切膚之痛。)
  • 2、3/17As food shortages fed through to higher supermarket prices, and fuel prices started to rise, western consumers started tofeel the pinch.(3/17因糧食短缺導致其超市價格上漲,加上燃料價格亦開始上揚,西方消費者開始感到壓力。)
  • 3、Those with jobs in banking, finance and law will be somewhat cushioned from the impact, but graduates starting out in the public sectors will reallyfeel the pinch this year.(那些在銀行界,金融界或者法律界工作的畢業(yè)生們會覺得稍微好一些,但另一些在公營部門下工作的則會覺得今年將十分困苦。)
  • 4、Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting tofeel the pinch.(大量失業(yè)者開始感到日子不好過了。)
  • 5、With average pay only rising by 1.2% a year at the moment, we are certainly going tofeel the pinch.(隨著價格平均每年1.2%的增長,我們當然能夠切身感受到荷包變癟的疼痛。)
  • 6、It's six months since he lost his job, so he's beginning tofeel the pinch.(他失業(yè)已有六個月了,所以開始感到相當困難。)
  • 7、Shanghai residents feel the price pinch.(上海居民正在感受價格窘迫。)
  • 8、Many restaurants in China are starting tofeel the pinch, as Feng Jinchao explains.(中國的很多飯館開始感到經(jīng)濟拮據(jù),F(xiàn)engJinchao將解釋原因。)
  • 9、But only now are Japanese companies starting to feel the real pinch.(不過僅僅是到了日本公司才感到切膚之痛。)
  • 10、In these tough economic times, unemployment is high and other business sectorsfeel the pinch, Direct Selling really comes into its own!(目前全球經(jīng)濟凋敝,失業(yè)高漲,陷入蕭條,直銷業(yè)恰逢其時,一枝獨秀!)
  • 11、The new system is not only fair, but is also designed to make consumers reallyfeel the pinch of excessive waste.(新系統(tǒng)不僅強調(diào)公平,還使消費者真正意識到過度浪費的不良影響。)
  • 12、His company is facing bankruptcy and he has three kids to raise! He's starting tofeel the pinch.(他的公司面臨破產(chǎn),而且還有三個孩子要養(yǎng)。他開始感到手頭拮據(jù)。)
  • 13、Trust reduces the cost of doing business and those who don't build relationships of trust with their partners, suppliers and customers willfeel the pinch.(反之,那些不重視與合伙人、供應(yīng)商和消費者建立信任關(guān)系的企業(yè)則會為之所累。) hao86.com
  • 14、The expression,feel the pinch, has been used since the sixteenth century.(feelthepinch這個短語從16世紀一直沿用至今。)
  • 15、The high rate of unemployment is making many familiesfeel the pinch.(很高的失業(yè)率正讓很多家庭感到生活的壓力。)
  • 16、And, as softer economic growth weakens demand for commodities, exporters of raw materials will start tofeel the pinch.(而且隨著經(jīng)濟增長放緩使得對大宗商品的需求減少,那些原材料出口商將會開始感覺到手頭拮據(jù)。)
  • 17、Foster parentsfeel the pinch in many states.(寄養(yǎng)父母在很多地方感到局限。)
  • 18、The banking sector had already begun tofeel the pinch.(銀行業(yè)已開始感受到資金短缺的壓力。)
  • 19、When an opera house in Germany is forced to cut back, it's usually the dancers who are first tofeel the pinch.(在德國,如果一家歌劇院被迫精簡,通常是舞蹈演員首先感到壓力。)
  • 20、At other time they save money so they don'tfeel the pinch when they want to buy a house.(因為平時他們節(jié)約用錢,所以他們買房時并不感到拮據(jù)。)
  • 21、Local brands may cut their spending later, once local economies start to feel the economic pinch directly.(一旦當?shù)亟?jīng)濟開始感受到壓力,本地品牌可能隨后也會減少支出。)

feel the pinch基本釋義

feel the pinch

英 [fi:l e? pint?] 美 [fil ei p?nt?] 
