
fall into造句

fall into造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:46:05


fall into造句

  • 1、Most of the crimes that she writes aboutfall into two groups: violent crimes and crimes against property.(她所寫的大多數(shù)犯罪都可以分為兩類:暴力犯罪和財產(chǎn)犯罪。)
  • 2、You'll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it tofall into your lap.(如果你坐在那里等著運氣落到你的腿上,你永遠不會創(chuàng)造任何運氣。)
  • 3、Afall into the pit, a gain in your wit.(吃一塹,長一智。)
  • 4、Ants are collected when theyfall into the trap while foraging.(螞蟻在覓食時落入陷阱,就會被收集起來。)
  • 5、When a tree is uprooted, it mightfall into some other trees on its way down, thus falling only partway over.(當一棵樹被連根拔起時,它可能會在倒下的過程中倒在其他樹上,因此只會倒一半。)
  • 6、Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed tofall into decline.(圖書館是對未來的一種投資,不應該讓圖書館衰落。)
  • 7、We can all benefit by acknowledging that we canfall into this trap.(通過承認我們能落入這個陷阱,我們都能從中獲益。)
  • 8、At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough tofall into the salty water.(在坦桑尼亞格雷戈里裂谷的一座山腳下,納特龍湖閃耀著鮮明的紅色,在其周圍是不幸落入鹽水的動物尸體。)
  • 9、The goal was to measure the AU; then, knowing the orbital speeds of all the other planets around the Sun, the scale of the Solar System wouldfall into place.(目標是測量AU;隨后,當我們知道了所有圍繞太陽的其他行星的軌道速度,對太陽系的規(guī)模就有充分的認識了。)
  • 10、Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests—being amusing, discussing with passion and point—and then tofall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone.(已婚夫婦可能會為了客人而竭盡全力——包括逗樂,熱情四射地討論——然后在客人走后陷入沉悶而疲憊的沉默。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、The landlord had let the buildingfall into decay.(房東不管,房子已經(jīng)破爛不堪。)
  • 12、Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 thatfall into this category.(400多個職員中只有7人屬于這一類。)
  • 13、Any change, even if it doesn'tfall into the ABCD categories, could indicate cancer.(即使不屬于ABCD的范疇,任何改變也可能意味著癌癥。)
  • 14、These animals shred the prey thatfall into the pitcher, and the smaller organisms feed on the debris.(這些動物撕碎掉到水罐里的獵物,而小一些的生物則以殘骸為食。)
  • 15、Parents oftenfall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children.(家長經(jīng)常一相情愿極力為子女操辦一切。)
  • 16、We do also have more complex systems that are used for space heating and theyfall into two categories, passive and active heating systems.(我們確實也有更復雜的系統(tǒng)用于空間供暖,它們分為兩類,被動供暖系統(tǒng)和主動供暖系統(tǒng)。)
  • 17、It was directed tofall into the ocean.(它被指示掉入大海。)
  • 18、The ceramicsfall into three broad types—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural items such as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures.(陶藝被分為三大類——陶器、炻器和瓷器——包括器皿,屋頂瓦片等建筑制品,以及模型物體和造像。)
  • 19、The two poems we are looking at todayfall into the category of medieval times.(我們今天要看的兩首詩屬于中世紀分類。)
  • 20、We saw the booster rockets disengage andfall into the sea.(我們看到火箭助推器脫落后墜入大海。)
  • 21、As she pulls the shoes out, the box with the sandwiches in it breaks open and the ham, the cheese, and the bread slicesfall into the sand.(當她把鞋子拿出來的時候,裝著三明治的盒子打開了,火腿、奶酪和面包片都掉在了沙子里。)
  • 22、Their brains do notfall into efficiency pitfalls as much as the average person's brain.(他們的大腦不像普通人的大腦那樣容易陷入效率陷阱。)
  • 23、The problems generallyfall into two categories.(這些問題一般屬于兩種類別。)
  • 24、Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound tofall into disuse.(一些悲觀的專家認為,汽車注定會被廢棄。)
  • 25、It is arguable that the majority of university studentsfall into this category.(大部分大學生都屬于這一類,這是有爭議的。)
  • 26、No, the classesfall into a separate category.(不,這些課程屬于一個單獨的類別。)
  • 27、Don'tfall into the treacherous plot.(毋中奸計。)
  • 28、If I were a sleeping pill, I'dfall into your water glass and accompany you throughout the night.(如果我是安眠藥,我愿落入您的水杯,整夜陪伴著您。)
  • 29、You can see why people canfall into this trap.(你可以看到為什么人們會上這種當。)
  • 30、Rather than offer evidence for categorizing brains as "male" or "female", research shows that brainsfall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.(研究并沒有提供將大腦劃分為“男性”或“女性”的證據(jù),而是表明大腦的劃分范圍很廣,大多數(shù)人都剛好位于中間。)

fall into基本釋義

fall into

英 [f?:l ??ntu?] 美 [f?l ??ntu] 
分成; 變成; 落入