fall on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:46:05


fall on造句

  • 1、Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything that mayfall on you.(遠(yuǎn)離窗戶、高家具、圖片或任何可能砸到你的東西。)
  • 2、But only those few spores that settle down in very favorable locations can start a new life; the vast majorityfall on barren ground.(但只有那些降落在非常有利位置的孢子才能開始新的生活;絕大多數(shù)的孢子降落在貧瘠的土地上。)
  • 3、I hope that our appeals will notfall on deaf ears.(我希望我們的請(qǐng)求不會(huì)被當(dāng)作耳邊風(fēng)。)
  • 4、The Rat let his egg-spoonfall on the table-cloth, and sat open-mouthed.(水鼠蘭特把蛋勺掉在桌布上,大張著嘴坐著。)
  • 5、Where do youfall on the autism spectrum?(在孤獨(dú)癥譜系中,你處于哪個(gè)位置?)
  • 6、Which syllable does the stressfall on?(重音在哪個(gè)音節(jié)?)
  • 7、Will you please notfall on the floor?(請(qǐng)你不要掉到地上?)
  • 8、The bulk of the work willfall on you and me.(大量的工作將落在你和我的頭上。)
  • 9、Any calls for re-regulation may continue tofall on deaf ears.(任何要求加強(qiáng)監(jiān)管的呼聲都可能會(huì)繼續(xù)被置若罔聞。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、"That is not Michael," she said quickly, lest a judgment shouldfall on her.(“那不是邁克爾。”她趕快說,以免判決落在她身上。)
  • 11、Indoors, you put a white sheet on the ground, spray some insecticide on walls and ceilings, and the mosquitoesfall on your feet one by one.(在室內(nèi),你在地上放一個(gè)白床單,然后在天花板和墻上噴上一些殺蟲劑,蚊子就一個(gè)一個(gè)地掉在你的腳邊。)
  • 12、Dead trees mayfall on a windy night.(枯樹可能會(huì)在刮風(fēng)的夜晚倒下。)
  • 13、Some day the whole house will break to pieces andfall on top of us.(總有一天,整個(gè)房子會(huì)倒塌,壓在我們身上。)
  • 14、I held the belief that we wouldfall on our feet.(我相信我們會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)危為安的。)
  • 15、I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did notfall on the ice.(我的確滑冰了。盡管有些搖搖晃晃,我還是沒有摔倒在冰上。)
  • 16、What happens when bank holidaysfall on a weekend?(如果銀行假日恰好是周末會(huì)怎么樣呢?)
  • 17、Those losses would eventuallyfall on taxpayers.(最終這些損失都要由納稅人來承擔(dān)。)
  • 18、Vast numbers of themfall on the ground beneath the mother plants.(它們中有很多都落在植物母體下方的地面上。)
  • 19、Losses on the stock market caused him tofall on hard times.(股票市場(chǎng)上的損失使他倒霉。)
  • 20、Prices continued tofall on the stock market today.(今天股票市場(chǎng)價(jià)格繼續(xù)下跌。)
  • 21、Public complaints about urban noise pollution oftenfall on deaf ears.(公眾對(duì)城市噪音的投訴常常被忽略。)
  • 22、You will have a terrible experience if youfall on a cactus.(如果你摔倒在一棵仙人掌上面,你將會(huì)有一個(gè)悲慘的體驗(yàn)。)
  • 23、But the sunset rarely seems tofall on code.(但是代碼的夕陽(yáng)看來很少到來。)
  • 24、Though plenty of rain mayfall on savanna during the year, for at least part of the year little does, creating the drought stress ultimately favoring grasses.(盡管一年中大草原上可能會(huì)有大量降雨,但至少有一段時(shí)間是降雨很少的,造成干旱壓力,最終有利于牧草生長(zhǎng)。)
  • 25、More rain and snowfall on Greenland in the winter.(現(xiàn)在格陵蘭冬天的降雨和降雪都增加了。)
  • 26、Bill took afall on the ice.(比爾在冰上滑了一跤。)
  • 27、To keep safe in terms of an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing mayfall on you.(為了在地震來臨時(shí)保持安全,你應(yīng)該待在房間里的一個(gè)地方,確保不會(huì)有墜落物砸到你。)
  • 28、But she never let a drop of waterfall on his fire.(但她從不讓一滴懷疑的水掉到他的火焰中。)
  • 29、Why must this responsibilityfall on heads of state?(此番責(zé)任緣何必由國(guó)家首腦承擔(dān)?)

fall on基本釋義

fall on

英 [f?:l ?n] 美 [f?l ɑn] 
襲擊; 落到; 由 ... 承擔(dān)