
fall back on造句

fall back on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:46:08


fall back on造句

  • 1、You'll have tofall back on the intellectual-superiority argument now.(你們現(xiàn)在只能回到(和上海人)智力優(yōu)越的爭(zhēng)論中了。)
  • 2、He has her support tofall back on when the going gets tough.(當(dāng)進(jìn)展艱難時(shí),他可以依賴她的支持。)
  • 3、By 2010, moreover, Mr Obama will no longer be able tofall back on the excuse that all of this was beyond his control.(此外,到2010年,奧巴馬不能再依賴于借口如“所有這些都超出了他的控制”之類的托辭。)
  • 4、Forced into an adversarial position with an indifferent society, they have nothing tofall back on but their talents.(在一個(gè)冷漠的社會(huì)里被迫淪為社會(huì)最貧苦的人群,他們除了自己的才能無所依靠。)
  • 5、No wonder TV executivesfall back on sitcom formulas and celebrities-they're safe bets in an expensive game.(難怪電視主管們又回到了老套路的電視劇和名人——因?yàn)樗麄兪沁@場(chǎng)昂貴游戲中最安全的賭注。)
  • 6、Doctors sometimesfall back on old cures.(醫(yī)生們有時(shí)求助于傳統(tǒng)療法。)
  • 7、Believers, of course, canfall back on the logically less rigorous support that they characterize as faith.(當(dāng)然,信徒則可以對(duì)他們描述為信仰的東西求助于邏輯上不那么嚴(yán)密的支持。)
  • 8、Of course, showbiz is a good profession tofall back on - even after a long absence.(當(dāng)然,身置娛樂圈中可謂背靠大樹好乘涼——即使在長(zhǎng)時(shí)間隱退之后亦是如此。)
  • 9、You couldfall back on type checking inside the add method, but that is not elegant and inflexible.(您可以依賴add方法內(nèi)部的類型檢查,但這并不優(yōu)雅而且不固定。)
  • 10、Plan to have at least one year's living expenses tofall back on or provided for by a second household income.(計(jì)劃出至少一年的生活開支,或者要有第二份家庭收入來支付。) hao86.com
  • 11、Journalists should try using it (they canfall back on big cheese occasionally).(記者們應(yīng)該嘗試使用這一用詞(他們偶爾會(huì)借助于采用“大人物(bigcheese)”)。)
  • 12、The public door ACL does not exist, so youfall back on the ACL of the parent.(公共門ACL不存在,因此,您需要后退到上一級(jí)ACL。)
  • 13、Remember not tofall back on old acquisitive habits. Then enjoy your newfound freedom from clutter.(記住不要再養(yǎng)成收集雜物的習(xí)慣不要貪得無厭。享受屏棄雜物后的自由吧。)
  • 14、Spaniards traditionallyfall back on families for support, housing and jobs at times of crisis.(傳統(tǒng)上,西班牙人在危機(jī)來臨之時(shí)會(huì)投靠家庭,已獲得支持、住房和工作。)
  • 15、Demonstrate your commitment to the transition by declining people's request tofall back on old habits.(拒絕人們回退到舊方法的請(qǐng)求,從而展示你對(duì)這項(xiàng)改造的決心。)
  • 16、"I wouldfall back on her optimism, " he says.(“我徹底被她的樂觀感染了,”他說。)
  • 17、Even the most sophisticated companies have tofall back on established distribution systems.(不然的話,就算是最老練的公司們也不得不退回到原先制定的分配系統(tǒng)。)
  • 18、When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you canfall back on.(必要時(shí),本能是你可使用的最可靠的資源。)
  • 19、I have a little money in the bank tofall back on.(我在銀行還有一點(diǎn)錢,需要時(shí)可以動(dòng)用。)
  • 20、When there is no GUI to test, you must thenfall back on lower-level tests.(如果沒有“GUI”需要測(cè)試,您就必須進(jìn)行低級(jí)(lower-level)測(cè)試。)
  • 21、Some designersfall back on templates or personal work habits when conceptualizing a design.(部分設(shè)計(jì)師在思考一項(xiàng)設(shè)計(jì)概念時(shí)會(huì)利用模板化內(nèi)容或者個(gè)人工作習(xí)慣。)
  • 22、O.K., it's a little facile. But what I'm trying to do here is spin the cliche, notfall back on it.(這沒什么,我這么說確實(shí)有點(diǎn)膚淺,但是我正嘗試做的事情不是重述陳詞濫調(diào),而是將其翻新。)
  • 23、But, of course, there is always "market sentiment" tofall back on.(當(dāng)然,人們總是可以把“市場(chǎng)情緒”當(dāng)作托詞。)
  • 24、It is these things where we shouldfall back on expert judgment and more experienced people.(在這些事情上,我們應(yīng)該聽從專家和更有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的人的判斷。)
  • 25、Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education tofall back on when things don’t work out.(多數(shù)想要進(jìn)入職業(yè)聯(lián)賽的球員都沒有接受完整教育來作為(萬一在足球上不成功的)依靠。)
  • 26、This forces the program tofall back on techniques that resemble manual memory management.(這使得程序不得不使用人工內(nèi)存管理的老技術(shù)。)
  • 27、So they may eat up their savings and have tofall back on the state's means-tested benefit at 65.(所以他們可能花光了積蓄,65歲時(shí)又不得不吃起低保。)
  • 28、Mr Papaconstantinou insists that Greece does not plan tofall back on support from the EU and IMF.(帕帕·康斯坦丁努堅(jiān)持說希臘不會(huì)退而轉(zhuǎn)向歐盟和IMF求助。)

fall back on基本釋義

fall back on

英 [f?:l b?k ?n] 美 [f?l b?k ɑn] 
求助于; 轉(zhuǎn)而依靠