
fall in love造句

fall in love造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:46:07


fall in love造句

  • 1、It isn't the stranger youfall in love with.(你愛上的不是陌生人。)
  • 2、Or maybe wefall in love and our spirit soars.(或者我們陷入了愛情里,精神得到提升。)
  • 3、When youfall in love, it is a temporary madness.(愛情是一種暫時的瘋狂。) hao86.com
  • 4、I couldn't allow myself tofall in love.(我不允許自己再愛上另一把琴。)
  • 5、Could a purely physical beingfall in love?(一個純粹的物理對象能墜入愛河嗎。)
  • 6、You made mefall in love with you!(你讓我愛上了你!)
  • 7、I can't convince myself tofall in love with this.(我無法說服我自己愛上這個玩意兒。)
  • 8、My weakness is I easilyfall in love.(我的缺點(diǎn)就是很容易陷入愛情的深淵。)
  • 9、Don't be afraid tofall in love again.(別從此就害怕戀愛了。)
  • 10、Don'tfall in love your first semester.(第一學(xué)期別談戀愛。)
  • 11、Of course, theyfall in love and adventures ensue.(當(dāng)然,他們相愛了,接下來就是冒險。)
  • 12、As we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no one can teach us how tofall in love and get married.(當(dāng)我們走出青春期、進(jìn)入成年生活,沒人會教我們?nèi)绾螑凵纤瞬⒔Y(jié)婚。)
  • 13、fall in love again.(重新戀愛。)
  • 14、Did youfall in love with him?(你是不是愛上他了?)
  • 15、When wefall in love, we don't know our beloved.(當(dāng)我們墮入愛河時,我們不清楚我們的摯愛。)
  • 16、Many foreign touristsfall in love with China the first time they pay a visit to this great country.(很多外國游客在第一次訪問中國這個偉大國家時,就愛上了她。)
  • 17、How could she have been so foolish as tofall in love with him?(她怎么這么傻,竟愛上了他?)
  • 18、fall in love.(墜入愛河。)
  • 19、Who says animals don’tfall in love?(是誰說動物不會戀愛的?)
  • 20、We canfall in love.(我們能墮入愛河。)
  • 21、Fortunately I didn'tfall in love with you.(幸虧我沒有愛上你。)
  • 22、But how can Ifall in love with someone I hate?(可我怎會愛上一個我討厭的人呢?)
  • 23、So there you are, don't justfall in love.(所以,你瞧,不只是戀愛。)
  • 24、When did I firstfall in love?(我第一次真正戀愛是什么時候?)
  • 25、Slowly but surely she started tofall in love with him.(雖然緩慢,但她確實(shí)開始愛上他了。)

fall in love基本釋義

fall in love

陷入愛河; 愛上