
fasten to造句

fasten to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:57


fasten to造句

  • 1、You forgot to fasten the shoe lace.(你忘了系鞋帶。)
  • 2、OK, to work. A word of warning: fasten your seat belts.(好了,開始工作,一些警告的話:,系緊你們的安全帶。)
  • 3、My uncle reminds me to fasten my seat belt.(我叔叔提醒我,要系緊安全帶。)
  • 4、It's unfair to fasten blame on him.(責(zé)怪他是不公平的。)
  • 5、Can fasten a breastpin again in auditive upper part in order to build similar result.(可以在耳朵上方再別一個(gè)胸針以營造同樣的效果。)
  • 6、A thin toothed strip, as of plastic, used to smooth, arrange, or fasten the hair.(梳子一種齒狀細(xì)條,如塑料制品,用于整理頭發(fā),使頭發(fā)。)
  • 7、Please fasten the seatbelt when the plane is about to take off.(飛機(jī)起飛時(shí)請系好安全帶。)
  • 8、We come right away to fasten a game!(咱們就來個(gè)捆綁游戲!)
  • 9、"Hard to say," said a kangaroo, "if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door."(“很難說?!贝笳f,“如果他們再繼續(xù)忘記關(guān)門的話!”)
  • 10、What can I use to fasten on this clip?(我用什么才能將這個(gè)夾子固定好?。)
  • 11、Can you fasten him down to a firm date?(你能讓他決定一個(gè)確定的日期嗎?)
  • 12、To fasten newspaper or hard film cylinder.(新聞報(bào)紙卷或膠卷硬紙筒的固定。)
  • 13、Can you fasten her down to a date?(你能使她確定一個(gè)日期嗎?)
  • 14、I fasten it to the wall.(我把它固定在墻上。)
  • 15、Can you tell me how to fasten my seat belt?(你能告訴我怎么系安全帶嗎?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 16、Our plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belt.(我們的班機(jī)馬上要起飛了,請系好安全帶。)
  • 17、And many others in the world will probably also need to fasten their seat belts.(需要系好安全帶的,恐怕還有世界上的更多人。)
  • 18、Can you tell me how to fasten it?(您能告訴我怎么系嗎?)
  • 19、Graduate from the tour university of college of aircraft industry in Chen2 Yang to fasten.(畢業(yè)于沈陽航空工業(yè)學(xué)院旅游大專系。)
  • 20、Fasten the horse to the tree.(把馬拴在樹上。)
  • 21、Ladies and Gentlemen, the airplane is about to taxi. Please fasten your seatbelt.(女士們先生們,飛機(jī)就要滑行了,請系好安全帶。)
  • 22、There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box.(沒有如何把背帶系在箱子上的說明。)
  • 23、We had to fasten the notice to the door with a nail.(我們必須用釘子把通知釘?shù)介T上。)
  • 24、Fasten a cover over the carrycot to help stop the baby from being thrown out.(在嬰兒床加上蓋子,可防止嬰兒被拋出。)
  • 25、If they had forgotten to fasten their Windows, they would burst open.(如果他們忘記關(guān)牢窗子,那么他們會(huì)爆開的。)
  • 26、It was wrong of you to fasten the blame on him.(你把過錯(cuò)推到他頭上是不對的。)
  • 27、Fasten it to the wall.(將它系到墻上結(jié)束。)

fasten to基本釋義

fasten to

固定在 ... 上; 系在 ... 上