FM radio造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:12


FM radio造句

  • 1、The paper describes the hardware and software of DTMF paging for theFM radio station.(介紹了無(wú)線(xiàn)調(diào)頻基地臺(tái)的DTMF選呼系統(tǒng)的硬件和軟件。)
  • 2、Similarly, India is about to auction offFM radio spectrum and the competition is expected to be fiercest for the big cities, says n.(薩布拉馬尼說(shuō),與此類(lèi)似,印度即將拍賣(mài)FM無(wú)線(xiàn)電頻段,而據(jù)預(yù)計(jì)針對(duì)大城市的競(jìng)拍將會(huì)是最激烈的。)
  • 3、Six months later, when his iPod is stolen, he goes to buy another player — this time, he hopes, with anFM radio in it.(六個(gè)月后,他的iPod被偷了,于是去買(mǎi)過(guò)一個(gè)——他希望這次買(mǎi)個(gè)帶調(diào)頻收音機(jī)的。)
  • 4、More recently, the carrier disabled GPS features in the BlackBerry 8830 in 2007, and eliminated theFM radio in the HTC Touch Pro 2 in 2009.(更近一些的,這家運(yùn)營(yíng)商在2007年禁用黑莓8830上的GPS功能,在2009年禁用了HTCTouchPro2的FM收音機(jī)功能。)
  • 5、Shah Doran a firebrand orator, he would read out the names of people to be killed on Taleban-runFM radio. He has been blamed for murdering Pakistani soldiers.(ShahDoran一個(gè)煽動(dòng)性的演說(shuō)家他會(huì)在塔利班控制的電臺(tái)中讀出被殺害的人的名字。)
  • 6、The only downside is that he works out every day at the gym, where cardio machines face TVs that broadcast sound overFM radio.(唯一不足的是,在他每天鍛煉的健身房里,鍛煉心臟的健身器材對(duì)面,電視是通過(guò)調(diào)頻播放聲音的。)
  • 7、It is assured citizens that the solar eclipse won't interrupt telecommunications,FM radio or Internet connections.(報(bào)道也使得市民確信日全食將不會(huì)影響通信、調(diào)頻廣播或者網(wǎng)絡(luò)連接。)
  • 8、If theFM radio signal is still weak, contact your computer manufacturer for more information.(如果調(diào)頻廣播信號(hào)仍然比較微弱,請(qǐng)聯(lián)系計(jì)算機(jī)制造商以了解更多信息。)
  • 9、The Voice of Firestone was the first commercial radio program to be carried simultaneously on both am andFM radio stations.(凡世通的聲音是第一個(gè)商業(yè)電臺(tái)節(jié)目,同時(shí)進(jìn)行調(diào)幅和調(diào)頻的廣播電臺(tái)。)
  • 10、As many of our dear customers' request, we add a quick link forFM radio in 5800 XM this time.(由于許多我們親愛(ài)的顧客要求,我們添加一個(gè)快速鏈接的調(diào)頻收音機(jī)在5800XM的這個(gè)時(shí)候。)
  • 11、By adopting computer technology, the quality of digital auto-broadcasting and the efficiency of collegial foreign languageFM radio station can be improved.(利用計(jì)算機(jī)技術(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn)校園外語(yǔ)調(diào)頻臺(tái)的數(shù)字式自動(dòng)播出,大大提高了播放質(zhì)量和效率。)
  • 12、He's about to choose a new player with anFM radio when it hits him: None of his files — now totaling 300 songs and 50 movies — will play on the new player.(他準(zhǔn)備新買(mǎi)一個(gè)帶調(diào)頻收音機(jī)的播放器,但一下驚呆了:他的所有文件——現(xiàn)在得有300首歌及50部電影——沒(méi)一個(gè)能在新的播放器上放。)
  • 13、This paper discussed the application and maintenance of college foreign languageFM radio station.(該文對(duì)高校外語(yǔ)調(diào)頻電臺(tái)的應(yīng)用與維護(hù)進(jìn)行了探討。)
  • 14、FM radio: Another one that was highly unlikely, but again, we know there are some who want it.(調(diào)頻廣播:另一個(gè)非常不切實(shí)際的期望,但同樣的,我們知道有些人希望新操作系統(tǒng)中有這個(gè)功能。)
  • 15、FM radio invented by Edwin H. Armstrong.(艾德溫。H。阿姆斯特朗發(fā)明調(diào)頻無(wú)線(xiàn)電。)
  • 16、If you have two tuners that supportFM radio, be sure each tuner is connected to its ownFM radio signal source.(如果有兩個(gè)支持調(diào)頻廣播的調(diào)諧器,請(qǐng)確保每個(gè)調(diào)諧器都已連接到各自的調(diào)頻廣播信號(hào)源。)
  • 17、"But it has Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi,FM radio, a digital video camera, hundreds of games, even a voice recorder," says Liu.(不過(guò),這個(gè)手機(jī)有藍(lán)牙,GPS,無(wú)線(xiàn)網(wǎng)卡,F(xiàn)M收音機(jī),一個(gè)數(shù)碼攝像機(jī),數(shù)百個(gè)游戲,甚至還可以錄音。)
  • 18、Cellphones send signals to nearby towers via radio frequency waves, a form of energy similar toFM radio waves and microwaves.(手機(jī)經(jīng)過(guò)射頻電波(一種與調(diào)頻電波和微波類(lèi)似的能量方式),將信號(hào)發(fā)送至左近的信號(hào)塔。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、There follows a confused paragraph about an offer of anFM radio presumably made previously by HBO.(接下來(lái)潦草的一段與一臺(tái)大概是HBO送給他的收音機(jī)有關(guān)。)
  • 20、Listening to FM via mobile phone is already happening among 13% of Nigerians, though in Lagos this climbs to 23% who listen toFM radio on mobile devices.(13%的尼日利亞人現(xiàn)在通過(guò)手機(jī)收聽(tīng)調(diào)頻廣播節(jié)目,在拉各斯市,通過(guò)手機(jī)收聽(tīng)調(diào)頻節(jié)目的聽(tīng)眾更達(dá)到23%。)
  • 21、Stronger thanFM radio signals, these RF waves are still abillionth the intensity of known carcinogenic radiation like X-rays. (See pictures from an X-ray studio.)(這些射頻電波比調(diào)頻收音機(jī)信號(hào)要強(qiáng),其強(qiáng)度大約相當(dāng)于X射線(xiàn)這類(lèi)致癌放射線(xiàn)的十億分之一。)
  • 22、Apple is reportedly building a new app for its iPhone and iPod Touch that will bringFM radio to the devices, foreign media reported.(據(jù)外國(guó)媒體報(bào)道,蘋(píng)果正在開(kāi)發(fā)新的應(yīng)用程序,將把FM收音機(jī)功能加入iPhone和iPod。)
  • 23、Determined thatFM radio would never succeed, Armstrong jumped from the 13th floor of his apartment in 1954.(由于確信他的調(diào)頻收音機(jī)不會(huì)成功,1954年,阿姆斯特朗從他位于13層的房間縱身躍下。)
  • 24、There's still the aforementionedFM radio with multi-region support, iTunes Tagging, and the capability to pause live radio using a 15-minute buffer.(之前提到的FM收音機(jī)還有多地區(qū)支持、iTunes標(biāo)簽,以及使用15分鐘的緩沖器暫停直播廣播的功能。)
  • 25、We laughed atFM radio.(我們嘲笑著FM收音機(jī)。)
  • 26、It even has a 2 - megapixel camera with video recording, a video player, and anFM radio.(它甚至有個(gè)2兆像素的帶錄音的錄像機(jī),一個(gè)視頻播放器和調(diào)頻收音機(jī)。)

FM radio基本釋義