fly away造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:14


fly away造句

  • 1、fly away, Peter!fly away, Paul!(飛走了彼得,飛走了保羅。)
  • 2、I have wished a bird wouldfly away.(我曾希望一只鳥(niǎo)兒飛去一旁。)
  • 3、A soul willfly away like a small bird.(靈魂會(huì)像小鳥(niǎo)兒飛走。)
  • 4、He saw birds come and dip their heads to drink in it and then flick their wings andfly away.(他看見(jiàn)鳥(niǎo)兒飛來(lái),低下頭來(lái)喝水,然后扇動(dòng)翅膀飛走了。)
  • 5、Some birds willfly away to the south, other birds will fly north.(一些鳥(niǎo)會(huì)往南飛,其他的鳥(niǎo)往北飛。)
  • 6、But again their effortsfly away in the wind without ever producing any result.(但是他們的努力再次白費(fèi)了。)
  • 7、Are all the children chained, so that they cannotfly away?(所有的孩子都拴綁起來(lái)了嗎?這樣他們就不能飛走了。)
  • 8、If you are right the Space Cats willfly away.(如果你是對(duì)的,太空貓會(huì)飛走。)
  • 9、David out of some bitter experience cried: "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! Then would Ifly away, and be at rest" Psa.(大衛(wèi)在苦難中喊叫說(shuō):“但愿我有翅膀像鴿子,我就飛去,得享安息”(詩(shī)五十五:6)。)
  • 10、She brushed thefly away.(她揮手趕走了蒼蠅。)
  • 11、I said, 'Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I wouldfly away and be at rest.(我說(shuō),但愿我有翅膀像鴿子,我就飛去得享安息。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 12、Wouldn't you like tofly away to escape your worries?(難道你不想逃離這些煩惱嗎?)
  • 13、Fly, my friend;fly away.(飛吧,朋友!快飛吧!)
  • 14、It'llfly away when it becomes hungry and go and steal from some other people's homes.(因?yàn)轲I了,它就會(huì)飛走,飛到別人家找東西吃。)
  • 15、Ladybird, ladybird,fly away home!(瓢蟲(chóng),瓢蟲(chóng),從家里飛走!)
  • 16、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing andfly away.(夏天的飛鳥(niǎo),飛到我的窗前唱歌,又飛去了。)
  • 17、Bird Trainer Dillon Horger says the birds don'tfly away because they consider the Desert Museum their territory.(馴鳥(niǎo)師DillonHorger說(shuō)鳥(niǎo)不會(huì)飛走的原因是他們認(rèn)為沙漠博物館是它們的領(lǐng)地。)
  • 18、Mother, let mefly away.(媽媽?zhuān)屛绎w走吧。)
  • 19、"Peter," she said, faltering, "are you expecting me tofly away with you?"(“彼得,”她猶豫著說(shuō),“你期待我和你一起飛走嗎?”)
  • 20、In the end Wendy let themfly away together.(最后,溫迪還是讓他們一起飛走了。)
  • 21、Don'tfly away from my life, darling.(不要從我的生命里消失,親愛(ài)的。)
  • 22、fly away dramatizes our predicament.(《遠(yuǎn)走高飛》戲劇化了我們的困境。)
  • 23、But Mr. Li smiles and says, "If I add eyes to the dragon, it willfly away."(可是李先生笑著說(shuō):“如果我給它加上眼睛,它就會(huì)飛走了?!?
  • 24、fly away tells the story of a single mother of a teenage daughter severely impacted by autism.(《遠(yuǎn)走高飛》講述了一個(gè)單身母親的故事。她的女兒患有嚴(yán)重的自閉癥。)
  • 25、You'llfly away from me.(你會(huì)飛走,離我而去。)
  • 26、"Cold winter is coming," said the swallow, "and I am going tofly away into warmer countries."(“寒冷的冬天現(xiàn)在要到來(lái)了,”小燕子說(shuō)?!拔乙w得很遠(yuǎn),飛到溫暖的國(guó)度里去?!?
  • 27、My "spiritual pillar"fly away!(我的“精神之柱”飛走啦!)

fly away基本釋義