
food stall造句

food stall造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:45:09


food stall造句

  • 1、We also plan to set up a stall and give a Chinese food demonstration.(同時,我們也要開小攤,表演中國食品的制作(餃子?))
  • 2、Resource depletion helps stall the profit cycle and prevent growth in the personal, provincial and national economies, as well as in food production (Figure 2).(養(yǎng)分耗竭使利潤循環(huán)停滯,阻礙個人、省份和國家經(jīng)濟以及糧食生產(chǎn)的增長(圖2)。)
  • 3、Photo is of an African youth eating at afood stall.(圖為一名非洲青年在大排檔吃飯。)
  • 4、While I was eating at an outsidefood stall in Bangkok, Thailand, a couple of children were having great fun playing under a leaky gutter nearby.(我在泰國曼谷的一個露天小店吃東西的時候,幾個孩子在我的旁邊的玩得正興。漏水正從檐溝往下流,滴打在他們的身上。)
  • 5、A Nepalese vendor sells food from a roadside stall in Bhaktapur, some 12 kilometers southeast of Kathmandu on Feb. 16.(巴克塔·普爾的路邊,一名尼泊爾小販,在自己的攤位上販賣著食物。該地位于加德滿都東南,距離首都加德滿都約12公里。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、The parents investigate and find a deserted stall piled with food .(調(diào)查和父母找到一個荒蕪的攤位堆放糧食。)
  • 7、I usually have lunch at a cookedfood stall near my office.(我通常在辦公室附近的一個熟食攤用午餐。)
  • 8、My friend, who has afood stall in the caravanserai, is no exception and grins at me with an entire set of glinting gold.(我的一位朋友也不例外,他在商隊旅館里有一食品攤位,正朝我咧嘴微笑,露出一排金色的牙齒。)
  • 9、A rich man named Qian Ao set up a stall by the roadside with lots of food, waiting for hungry people to come to give it in charity.(有個富人,名叫黔敖。他在大路旁邊設(shè)攤,擺了許多食物,等饑餓的人來了,就施舍給他們。)
  • 10、Famous old stall often, visitors to taste authentic food is the best place.(著名的老巴剎時常,是旅客品嘗地道食品的最佳場所。)
  • 11、Never buy food from a market stall.(絕不要在小貨攤上買食物。)
  • 12、Our dailyfood stall to eat the staff meal even not as good as the meal!(而我們,每天吃連大排檔的員工餐都不如的飯菜!)
  • 13、I run this roadsidefood stall.(路邊的這家食品精品屋是我開的。)
  • 14、A young woman eats an omelette at afood stall at Namdaemun Market, the vast market that sells clothes, toys, luggage, and hardware, and which also has a huge selection of street food.(圖片畫廊。一位年輕女子吃煎蛋在一個熟食攤位在南大門市場,廣闊的市場銷售衣服,玩具,皮箱,和那些也是巨大的挑選的街道食品。)
  • 15、For example can't buy things from a market stall, in the absence of hygiene license at a restaurant, can not eat expired, metamorphism, 3 without food, not eating undercooked, and so on.(比如說不能在小攤上買東西、不能在沒有衛(wèi)生許可證的餐廳吃飯、不能吃過期、變質(zhì)、三無食品、不能吃未煮熟的東西等等。)
  • 16、Let's try out the new fastfood stall down the street.(我們?nèi)L試街頭新開的快餐店吧。)
  • 17、The higher the calorific value of the food sold by a stall, the more accurately Dr New's volunteers were able to point towards it.(攤位所售出食物具有熱量越高,紐博士的志愿者對于其位置的指向越精確。)
  • 18、Here we usually go to eat seafood at a nightfood stall or in a buffet.(這兒,我們經(jīng)常去夜排檔或自助餐廳吃還海鮮。)
  • 19、Mr Staddon sells pet food; a decade ago Stalham market was so busy it took two people to man his stall.(斯塔頓賣寵物食品。十年前斯塔爾漢姆市場的生意是如此繁忙,以至于他雇了兩個人給他的貨攤當(dāng)伙計。)

food stall基本釋義