
football field造句

football field造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:08


football field造句

  • 1、They play football on thefootball field.(他們?cè)谧闱驁?chǎng)上踢足球。)
  • 2、He is a successful trainer in thefootball field.(他在足球領(lǐng)域是一名成功的教練。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 3、The floating rig, longer than afootball field and 15 stories high, had eight hollow legs.(浮動(dòng)平臺(tái)比足球場(chǎng)還長(zhǎng),有15層高,有8個(gè)中空支腿。)
  • 4、They are digging up thefootball field to lay a new surface.(他們正在把足球場(chǎng)挖開(kāi)鋪一層新地面。)
  • 5、On the right there is afootball field and two basketball courts.(右邊是一個(gè)足球場(chǎng),兩個(gè)籃球場(chǎng)。)
  • 6、That's why I hope my last smile on afootball field will be with Mallorca.(這就是為什么我想回到馬洛卡,把我在球場(chǎng)上最后的微笑留在那里。)
  • 7、Policemen had to escort the referee from thefootball field.(警察不得不護(hù)送這位裁判離開(kāi)足球場(chǎng)。)
  • 8、On somefootball field-sized trading floors you could barely see the far wall through the heat haze.(在一些足球場(chǎng)大小的交易場(chǎng)內(nèi),熱騰騰的霧氣讓人幾乎無(wú)法看到遠(yuǎn)處的墻壁。)
  • 9、And Louisiana is already losing wetland: an area about the size of afootball field every 30 minutes.(路易斯安那州正在以每30分鐘一個(gè)足球場(chǎng)面積的速度失去濕地。)
  • 10、Several policemen had to escort the referee from thefootball field.(幾個(gè)警察不得不護(hù)送這位裁判離開(kāi)足球場(chǎng)。)
  • 11、Freestyling their way forward, they fought against a strong current for the length of afootball field.(她們用自由泳的方式,迎著浪尖迅速劃向事故地點(diǎn),而她們的前方,是足球場(chǎng)大小的一處高浪區(qū)。)
  • 12、The three-bladed rotor spins in winds from 7 to 70 MPH, sweeping twice the area of afootball field.(當(dāng)風(fēng)速達(dá)到每小時(shí)7至70英里時(shí),便可驅(qū)動(dòng)安裝著三片風(fēng)葉的轉(zhuǎn)子旋轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 13、This year's creation is afootball field-size picture of a samurai battling a warrior monk.(在今年的稻田作品中,一塊足球場(chǎng)大小的面積里呈現(xiàn)了一名武士與一名武僧打斗的場(chǎng)面。)
  • 14、It takes the space the size of afootball field to hold all these trees, tracks and trains.(這些樹(shù)木、路軌和火車(chē)需要一個(gè)足球場(chǎng)那么大的空間才能容納。)
  • 15、Rolling about afootball field a day, you might reach Endeavour crater sometime in 2012.(每天行進(jìn)一個(gè)足球場(chǎng)遠(yuǎn)的路程,你可能在2012年的時(shí)候進(jìn)入隕石坑。)
  • 16、The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It’s like a human jumping the length of afootball field.(跳蚤可以跳出它身長(zhǎng)350倍的距離那么遠(yuǎn)。)
  • 17、The ISS weighs roughly 920, 000 pounds (417, 305 kilograms) and spreads out over an area the size of an NFLfootball field.(國(guó)際空間站重約為920,000磅(417,305公斤)、占地面積約合一個(gè)NFL橄橄欖球場(chǎng)大小。)
  • 18、They each stand in a different corner of afootball field in the middle of which is the old man who is crouching.(他們分別站在球場(chǎng)的四周,中間是一個(gè)蜷縮的老人。)
  • 19、Can we play on thefootball field now?(現(xiàn)在我們能在足球場(chǎng)上玩嗎?)
  • 20、Shea takes me to afootball field for a demonstration.(謝伊帶我到足球場(chǎng)示范了一番。)
  • 21、The aircraft is massive—as long as afootball field and as tall as 6 double decker buses and capable of continuous flying for up to 5 days.(這架飛機(jī)有足球場(chǎng)那么大,有6輛雙層巴士那么高,最多可以持續(xù)飛行達(dá)5天。)
  • 22、One of my favorite football players of all time, Walter Payton, did this every day on thefootball field.(我一直來(lái)最喜歡的橄欖球員之一,華特·佩頓,每天在球場(chǎng)上就是這樣做的。)
  • 23、The ancient mountains of Appalachia are corrugated with deep, narrow valleys, some of them no wider than afootball field.(阿帕拉契的古老山脈被又深又窄的山谷切割得高低起伏,有些山谷還不比一個(gè)足球場(chǎng)寬。)
  • 24、The latest treatment - proton radiation therapy - involves a proton accelerator that can be as big as afootball field.(最新的治療-質(zhì)子放射治療-包括一個(gè)質(zhì)子加速器,可以像一個(gè)足球場(chǎng)那樣龐大。)
  • 25、They were half afootball field away, and he had no.(他們離這里有半個(gè)足球場(chǎng)遠(yuǎn),而他已沒(méi)時(shí)間等他們。)

football field基本釋義
