
for a day trip造句

for a day trip造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:05


for a day trip造句

  • 1、One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country.(一天,他出行到某個(gè)偏遠(yuǎn)的地方去,當(dāng)他返回皇宮之后,便大聲抱怨他的腳痛死了。)
  • 2、Changsha is the provincial capital of human which is renowned for its human history, wonderful culture and natural beauty. Now we have a one-day trip for you.(長沙是湖南的首都,以人文歷史,精彩的文化和自然美而聞名?,F(xiàn)在我們?yōu)槟銈儼才帕艘蝗沼巍?
  • 3、This makes for a great day trip.(這是有意義的一天游。)
  • 4、"The day is coming when people will want to be able to download 10 novels for their summer reading or for a trip to Italy," said Hayden.(“當(dāng)人們想為了他們暑期閱讀或旅行在意大利的時(shí)候而下載10部小說時(shí),這一天就會(huì)到來了?!焙5钦f到。)
  • 5、This week will be hectic. This is a great day for a trip. Try to get away with your mate. Socially, you need a fast paced form of entertainment.(這周將是繁忙的。適合旅行。盡量離開會(huì)你的伴侶。社交方面,你需要快節(jié)奏的娛樂方式。)
  • 6、From a weekend getaway to a day trip to a much longer holiday, every option has its pros and cons, go for one which suits your mothers and her family which includes you.(但是不管是周末,一日游還是更長的假期,你都必須要了解不同的假期計(jì)劃的利與弊,然后根據(jù)需要來選擇一個(gè)適合你母親和你家人的假期計(jì)劃。)
  • 7、Today’s a good day for a trip.(今天是出門游玩的好日子。)
  • 8、My strategy: for a 2-day trip, I don’t pack a change of clothes; for 3 days, it depends on the itinerary; for 4-5 days, one change.(我的對(duì)策:對(duì)于一個(gè)2日游,我從不打包衣服;3日游,取決于行程;4至5日游,有一點(diǎn)變化。)
  • 9、At that time often need to accompany the delegation to Monaco, next day morning I once again want to on a business trip, we chatted for an evening.(那時(shí)候經(jīng)常需要陪同代表團(tuán)到摩納哥,有一次轉(zhuǎn)天早晨我又要出差,我們聊了一個(gè)晚上。)
  • 10、One day after a trip to a faraway town, he handed me a knife and sheath, saying, “These are for you.(一天,他從一個(gè)遠(yuǎn)方小鎮(zhèn)回來,遞給我一把刀,“給你的。)
  • 11、Twenty-two percent of commuters in Mexico City take more than an hour a day for a typical one-way trip to work.(百分之二十二的受訪者單程上班通勤時(shí)間超過一小時(shí)。)
  • 12、As this is your first visit to Dalian, were planning a two-day trip for you.(這是您首次來連,我們計(jì)劃為您安排一次兩日游。。)
  • 13、Now this is upsetting news for us, we are on the first day of our trip and already there's a beer issue.(現(xiàn)在,這是困擾我們消息,我們都在我們此行的第一天,已經(jīng)有一個(gè)啤酒的問題。)
  • 14、If you don't have a car, join a group trip for the day.(如果你沒車,可以加入一個(gè)組團(tuán)旅行團(tuán)打發(fā)一天。)
  • 15、Today is a good day for a trip.(今天是出門旅行的好日子。)
  • 16、Take a weekend break, a day-trip, get out there and do it: for the scenery, for the way through the woods, for the birds, for the bees.(周末休息一下,來個(gè)一日游,走出去,欣賞風(fēng)景,穿過樹林,看看鳥和蜜蜂。)
  • 17、Then one day, she goes out of town for a business trip, and something amazing happens.(有一天,她去外地出差,然后一些奇妙的事情就發(fā)生了。)
  • 18、On that route, pets will stop in Chicago, have a bathroom break, play time, dinner, and bunk for the night before finishing the trip the next day.(飛行期間,寵物們中途會(huì)在芝加哥經(jīng)停,在那里上個(gè)衛(wèi)生間,玩一玩,吃吃飯,然后晚上睡個(gè)覺,第二天再繼續(xù)飛往洛杉磯。)
  • 19、Sources say the royal newlyweds are currently in the Seychelles for a 10-day trip.(據(jù)相關(guān)媒體報(bào)道,這對(duì)皇家新婚夫婦正在塞舌爾群島享受一個(gè)為期十天的旅行。)
  • 20、Even if it is onlyfor a day trip!(盡管只有一天的行程!)
  • 21、About eight months into our relationship, I took a trip to Key West with my friends and we chartered a boat for the day.(大約在我們交往的八個(gè)月后,我跟朋友去基韋斯特旅行,我們包了一天的船。)
  • 22、As part of the preparations for a possible trip to the Red Planet six astronauts recently completed a 500-day stay in a windowless capsule in Moscow.(作為這趟可能去到火星旅行的部分準(zhǔn)備,六個(gè)宇航員最近在莫斯科的一個(gè)無窗密封艙里呆了500天。)
  • 23、Gavin Conway, for the Sunday Times, drove the Passat BlueMotion during the three-day record-breaking trip, accompanied by a navigator and video crew.(《星期日泰晤士報(bào)》的加文康威在為期三天的破記錄之旅中駕駛帕薩特藍(lán)色精靈,由領(lǐng)航員和錄像小組陪同。) (hao86.com好工具)

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