
fire drill造句

fire drill造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:45:32


fire drill造句

  • 1、South Korea has planned a live-fire drill this weekend.(韓國計劃周末進行實彈演習(xí)。)
  • 2、Every crewmember shall have participated in at least one abandon ship and onefire drill every month.(每個船員每月至少參加一次棄船演習(xí)和一次救生演習(xí)。)
  • 3、This is afire drill.(這是消防演習(xí)。)
  • 4、Today's art lesson came to an abrupt end when the gongs sounded for afire drill.(今天的美術(shù)課因火災(zāi)演習(xí)的鈴聲大作而突然結(jié)束。)
  • 5、Execute afire drill before departure and report.(在開航前進行消防演習(xí)并報告。) hao86.com
  • 6、The counselors swept the dormitory during thefire drill.(在火災(zāi)演練期間輔導(dǎo)員徹底搜查了宿舍。)
  • 7、Miss Guo is thinking about things that may happen during thefire drill.(郭小姐在思考各種演習(xí)中可能發(fā)生的事故。)
  • 8、There'll be afire drill sometime this morning.(今天早上什么時候會有一次消防演習(xí)。)
  • 9、Afire drill will be conducted in your residence hall every semester.(每學(xué)期都會在宿舍樓進行一次消防演練。)
  • 10、There will be afire drill at Rose Garden School.(玫瑰學(xué)園將舉辦一場消防演習(xí)。)
  • 11、Also, take an active part infire drill.(還有,積極參加消防演練。)
  • 12、The gathering place of thefire drill is to be the podium.(進行火警演習(xí)。是次火警演習(xí)之集合地點為本苑平臺。)
  • 13、Item 6 and 7 on thefire drill instructions do not apply.(消防演習(xí)指南上的第六和第七項不適用。)
  • 14、I returned to afire drill taking place.(我回到了一個火警演習(xí)的地方。)
  • 15、Chasing the bus every day is the best dry run for afire drill.(每天追公共汽車就是最好的消防演習(xí)。)
  • 16、One day our second grade class at Spring Park School was released early because of a 2fire drill.(有一天,因為要防火演習(xí),我們這些源泉公園學(xué)校二年級的學(xué)生很早就放學(xué)了。)
  • 17、Formulate pre-proposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and organize regularfire drill.(制定滅火和應(yīng)急疏散預(yù)案,定期組織消防演練。)
  • 18、This is not afire drill—it's for real.(這不是救火演習(xí)—是真失火了。)
  • 19、Afire drill interrupted the lesson.(一場火警演習(xí)中斷了上課。)
  • 20、We will design an exit route for each class and hold anotherfire drill later this semester.(學(xué)校將重新研擬疏散路線﹐并擇日舉行另一次消防演習(xí)。)
  • 21、This is not afire drill .(這不是消防演習(xí)。)
  • 22、School notice: The lifts must not be used duringfire drill.(學(xué)校通告:在消防演習(xí)期間禁止使用電梯。)
  • 23、All crew reported to station, carried outfire drill.(航海日志全體船員在集合地點集合,進行消防演習(xí)。)
  • 24、I don't like interrupting my class to practise some sillyfire drill.(我不喜歡打斷上課來練習(xí)一些愚蠢的防火演習(xí)。)
  • 25、Execute afire drill and report.(進行消防演習(xí)并報告。)

fire drill基本釋義

fire drill

英 [?fai? dril] 美 [fa?r dr?l] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):fire drills
