fire engine造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:32


fire engine造句

  • 1、The two died after theirfire engine crashed down the hill.(兩人的消防車(chē)掉下山后喪生。)
  • 2、Along comes thefire engine.(消防車(chē)開(kāi)來(lái)了。)
  • 3、Then I heard the sound of afire engine.(然后我聽(tīng)到消防車(chē)的聲音。)
  • 4、Afire engine flashed by while I was waiting for the bus.(我在等車(chē)時(shí)一輛消防車(chē)一閃而過(guò)。)
  • 5、Afire engine. It's really loud!(一輛消防車(chē)。很噪音!)
  • 6、Then I heard it - the sound of afire engine.(然后,我聽(tīng)見(jiàn)了消防車(chē)的聲音。)
  • 7、There is an emergency. Please send afire engine.(這有火災(zāi),請(qǐng)盡快派消防車(chē)來(lái)。)
  • 8、The horse reared at the sight of thefire engine.(看見(jiàn)救火車(chē),馬突然后腿直立。)
  • 9、All the traffic has to make way for afire engine.(所有的車(chē)輛都得給救火車(chē)讓道。)
  • 10、Send the other running to the village to telephone for afire engine.(派另一個(gè)跑步去村里打電話叫消防車(chē)來(lái)。)
  • 11、Thefire engine rushed past us as we waited at the traffic lights.(我們?cè)诮煌ㄐ盘?hào)燈旁等著的時(shí)候,消防車(chē)從我們身邊疾馳而過(guò)。)
  • 12、Over 80fire engine trucks were operated at the scene of the incident.(現(xiàn)場(chǎng)至少有80輛消防車(chē)在緊張作業(yè)。)
  • 13、The crowd fell back to let thefire engine through.(人群向后退去,以便給消防車(chē)讓路。)
  • 14、My house is on fire. Plesae send afire engine.(我家失火了,請(qǐng)派救火車(chē)來(lái)。)
  • 15、I heard the sound of afire engine.(我聽(tīng)到了救火車(chē)的聲音。) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 16、The cars all stopped to let thefire engine by.(車(chē)輛都停下來(lái),讓消防車(chē)通過(guò)。)
  • 17、I heard the sound of afire engine then.(那時(shí)我聽(tīng)到了消防車(chē)的聲音。)
  • 18、I put on the brake before the car knocked into thefire engine.(我踏下了制動(dòng)器才沒(méi)有撞到救火車(chē)上。)
  • 19、When thefire engine arrived, the fire was blazing.(消防車(chē)正把水噴在火場(chǎng)上。)
  • 20、When thefire engine arrived, the house was already in flame.(救火車(chē)趕到時(shí),那房子已經(jīng)在熊熊大火之中了。)
  • 21、The sound of afire engine was music to my ears .(消防車(chē)的聲音對(duì)我來(lái)講是一個(gè)喜訊…)
  • 22、Thefire engine rushed to the hotel which was on fire.(救火車(chē)朝起火的旅館急馳而去。)
  • 23、There was a great tooting and clanging, and afire engine rumBling past.(響起了一陣?yán)鹊泥洁铰暫途彽亩‘?dāng)聲,一輛消防車(chē)隆隆地駛了過(guò)去。)
  • 24、Thefire engine is red!(消防車(chē)是紅色的!)

fire engine基本釋義

fire engine

英 [?fai? ?end?in] 美 [fa?r ??nd??n] 
第三人稱(chēng)復(fù)數(shù):fire engines
