fish finger造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:27


fish finger造句

  • 1、The finger-size fish form large schools to try to confuse predators.(這些手指大小的魚(yú)兒結(jié)成巨大的魚(yú)群,以蒙蔽捕獵者。)
  • 2、This gave the world thefish finger and launched the factory ship that sailed far from home and processed the catch from huge trawlers on the high seas.(這種設(shè)備使世界有了凍魚(yú)片,發(fā)明出漁業(yè)加工船。漁業(yè)加工船可以離開(kāi)本地航行很遠(yuǎn),并加工巨大的拖網(wǎng)漁船從公海上捕獲的獵物。)
  • 3、He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger, watching it and the other lines at the same time for the fish might have swum up or down.(他把釣索夾在大拇指和食指之間等待著。同時(shí)盯著它和其他那幾根釣索,因?yàn)檫@魚(yú)可能已游到了高一點(diǎn)的地方或低一點(diǎn)的地方。)
  • 4、Silversides swirl through mangroves in the coral reefs off Cuba. The finger-size fish form large schools to try to confuse predators.(銀漢魚(yú)在古巴外珊瑚礁區(qū)的紅樹(shù)林中打轉(zhuǎn)穿梭。這些手指大小的魚(yú)兒結(jié)成巨大的魚(yú)群,以蒙蔽捕獵者。)
  • 5、The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw-like finger at his chest.(魔鬼又往前邁了一步,帶著一股腐爛的魚(yú)的味道。它用鰲一樣的手指指著自己的胸膛。)

fish finger基本釋義

fish finger

英 [fi? ?fi?ɡ?] 美 [f?? ?f??ɡ?] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):fish fingers

