first finger造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:28


first finger造句

  • 1、The company credibility first, quality first, the first time for the middle finger welcome your calls.(本公司以信譽(yù)第一,質(zhì)量第一,時(shí)間第一為中指歡迎您的來(lái)電。)
  • 2、Objective To introduce the method of repair of volar skin defect of index finger by reversed first dorsal metacarpal artery facial island flap.(目的介紹第一掌背動(dòng)脈逆行島狀筋膜瓣修復(fù)示指掌側(cè)皮膚缺損的方法。)
  • 3、Often times you forget your own roles that you did not perform. Your attitude is looking at other’s fault first before you point the accusing finger at yourself.(你經(jīng)常會(huì)忘記你自己沒(méi)有履行的職責(zé),而更愛(ài)先挑其他人的錯(cuò)誤,其次才輪到自己。)
  • 4、When multi-touch events are disabled, the system delivers events only related to thefirst finger to touch the device.(當(dāng)你禁用了多點(diǎn)觸摸技術(shù)后,系統(tǒng)只會(huì)接受第一根手指觸摸的信息。)
  • 5、Fingers should be bent, the index finger, two joints, the first of which is to bend, the second joint is straight.(手指要彎曲,食指的兩個(gè)關(guān)節(jié),其中第一個(gè)是要彎曲的,第二個(gè)關(guān)節(jié)就是要直。)
  • 6、The first part talks about Lu Chen's injured finger.(文中的第一部分說(shuō)劉謙手指受傷的事件。)
  • 7、He put a finger to his lips, and at first I thought that he meant me to keep quiet.(他把一根手指放在嘴唇上,起先我以為他在示意我不要出聲。)
  • 8、Despite finger-numbing cold, they havejust produced their first batch of scarves.(雖然天氣冷的手指發(fā)麻,她們已經(jīng)可以生產(chǎn)她們的第一批圍巾了。)
  • 9、He has had more experience, but it's the first time his finger has found the right place.(他對(duì)此很有經(jīng)驗(yàn),他的手指很快找到了正確的地方。)
  • 10、When finally announced that our class won the first grade group, the classmates all jumped up happily, index finger and middle finger, Shouting "!"(當(dāng)最后宣布我們班獲得了年級(jí)組的第一名時(shí),同學(xué)們都高興地跳了起來(lái),紛紛伸出食指和中指,大喊喊“耶!”)
  • 11、"Today Brazil was upgraded from a second class country to a first class country," said Lula, who quit school at 14 and lost part of his finger in an industrial accident.(“如今巴西已從一個(gè)二等國(guó)家升為一等國(guó)家,”盧拉說(shuō),他14歲離開(kāi)學(xué)校,并在一次工傷事故中失去手指的一部分。)
  • 12、Our middle finger is the first quality, good quality and safety can be guaranteed.(我們的中指是品質(zhì)第一,質(zhì)量好,安全才能有保障。)
  • 13、When the mother bird first secondary down several exquisitely carved, than the little finger was a little bird egg, I and the children eagerly waiting for the chicks hatch.(當(dāng)母鳥第一次生下了幾顆玲瓏剔透,比小指頭還小的鳥蛋以后,我和孩子們便眼巴巴地等候小鳥孵出來(lái)。)
  • 14、He continued, "Master, first he insulted me by holding up one finger to indicate I had only one eye."(他繼續(xù)說(shuō):“住持,首先他舉起一根手指羞辱我,意思是我只有一只眼睛?!?
  • 15、The first thing the beetle did was to take him by the finger.(甲蟲做的第一件事就是咬住他的手指。)
  • 16、An oversized padded leather covering for the hand used in catching balls especially one with more finger sheaths than the catcher's or first baseman's mitt.(棒球手套一種較大的防護(hù)手用的皮手套,用來(lái)接球,尤指比防守員和守壘員的手套多幾個(gè)手指套的一種手套。)
  • 17、First, because intraarticular osteochondromas of the finger grow in continuity with the articular cartilage of the affected phalanx, they can cause deformity or limitation of motion.(首先,由于指關(guān)節(jié)內(nèi)骨軟骨瘤與受累指骨的關(guān)節(jié)軟骨一起持續(xù)生長(zhǎng),所以它們可以引起畸形或者活動(dòng)受限。)
  • 18、Let's start. First cut the potatoes into slices. The thinner the better. Then slice some green Onions. Be careful not to cut your finger.(我們開(kāi)始吧!先切土豆,切成絲,越細(xì)越好。再切一些蔥絲,注意別切到手。)
  • 19、Mr Hirst is, of course, not the first artist to give his dealers the finger.(當(dāng)然,赫斯特并不是第一位給其經(jīng)銷商下馬威的藝術(shù)家。)
  • 20、The iPhone, introduced in 2007, was the first cellphone that largely did away with physical controls, turning the entire device into a finger-activated screen.(iPhone于2007年面世,它是第一部較大程度上去除物理控制將整個(gè)設(shè)備轉(zhuǎn)化為手指控制屏幕的手機(jī)。)
  • 21、The skin repair and finger deficiency reconstruction were performed same time in first stage could reach good effect and short duration of therapy.(期手術(shù)同時(shí)完成皮膚缺損的修復(fù)和手指缺失的再造,療程短,效果好。)
  • 22、Therefore I first touch my finger to it, then to my head, lest She should be angry with me.(所以我首先用手指觸摸它,然后是我的頭,以免她會(huì)對(duì)我生氣。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、Once you're ready for stimulation, there are a number of methods you can use, if you are a first timer - keep things simply; a finger will be sufficient for beginners.(如果你準(zhǔn)備好要去刺激它,其實(shí)還有幾種方法可用。要是你還是個(gè)新手就簡(jiǎn)單點(diǎn),一根手指頭對(duì)初學(xué)者來(lái)說(shuō)足夠了。)
  • 24、In the first my dad explains how I can tell if my teeth are clean: I'll hear squeaking, like birds chirping, when I run my finger across the tops of them.(一開(kāi)始我爸爸給我解釋怎么樣牙齒才算真正刷干凈了:當(dāng)我用手指劃過(guò)牙齒表面的時(shí)候,能聽(tīng)到猶如鳥叫一般的吱吱聲。)
  • 25、If you go to Argentina, you might be offen(d)ed and think someone is calling you crazy when you see them point at their head or ear and move theirfirst finger in a circle.(如果你去阿根廷,當(dāng)你看到他們?cè)谥更c(diǎn)他們的頭部或耳朵,并用大拇指轉(zhuǎn)著圈,你可能會(huì)被觸怒;并認(rèn)為有人正在罵你瘋了。)

first finger基本釋義

first finger

英 [f?:st ?fi?ɡ?] 美 [f?st ?f??ɡ?] 
食指; 示指
