8、“Might I call you by thefirst name?”“Yes, you may.”(“我可以直呼你的名字嗎?”“當(dāng)然可以?!?
9、I know yourfirst name, but I don't know your family name.(我知道你的名字,但不知道你的姓氏。)
10、I: How do you spell yourfirst name?(I:你的名怎么拼?)
11、I want to know yourfirst name.(我知道你的姓,但不知道你的名字。)
12、And thefirst name he heard was his own.(他聽到的第一個名字就是自己的名字。)
13、She'd never known his surname, only hisfirst name.(她從來就不知道他姓什么,只知道他的名字。)
14、They use Mr. , Mrs. or Miss with the family name but never with thefirst name.(他們只將先生、夫人或小姐等稱呼和姓連用,但絕不和名連用。)
15、And for his new life, Connery had chosen a newfirst name.(對于新的生活,康納利選了一個新名字。)
16、Hisfirst name, anyway.(不管怎么說,他就是第一人。)
17、Myfirst name is Ricky, but I have gone by Rick for many years.(我的本名叫瑞奇,但我多年來一直叫瑞克。)
18、The boy'sfirst name of Stéfano was gallicized to Stéphane.(男孩的第一個名字Stéfano,相當(dāng)于具有法語風(fēng)格Stéphane。)
19、Some I know only byfirst name.(有些人我只知道他們的姓。)
20、The same goes for thefirst name).(對于名字也有這個問題)。)
21、O: Do you know his extension number or hisfirst name?(你知道他的分機號碼和名字嗎?)
22、Myfirst name is Theodore, but I don't like it, for the fellows called me Dora, so I made them say Laurie instead.(我的名字是西奧多,但我不喜歡它,因為伙伴們把我叫做多拉,所以我讓他們改叫勞里。)
23、Herfirst name was Mary. I don't know what her surname was.(她的名字叫瑪麗,我不知道她的姓是什么。)
24、What's yourfirst name?(你的第一個名字是什么?)
25、Hisfirst name is Tom and his surname is Green.(他叫湯姆,姓格林。)