
from beginning to end造句

from beginning to end造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:41


from beginning to end造句

  • 1、The argument was shallowfrom beginning to end.(那次辯論從頭到尾都很膚淺。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 2、The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmospherefrom beginning to end.(宴會(huì)始終充滿親切友好的氣氛。)
  • 3、Now I want to know about this thingfrom beginning to end.(我現(xiàn)在想源源本本地了解此事。)
  • 4、We did very wellfrom beginning to end.(我們從頭到尾都做得很好。)
  • 5、His speech is very interestingfrom beginning to end.(他的講話從頭至尾都非常有趣。)
  • 6、from beginning to end, the two poets needed each other.(從始至終,這兩個(gè)詩(shī)人都彼此需要對(duì)方。)
  • 7、The entire report was pifflefrom beginning to end.(整個(gè)報(bào)告從頭至尾廢話連篇。)
  • 8、This book is written in a very low keyfrom beginning to end.(這本書(shū)從頭至尾都是用特別低的調(diào)子寫(xiě)的。)
  • 9、The book of travels was interestingfrom beginning to end.(這本有關(guān)旅游的書(shū)從頭至尾都很有趣。)
  • 10、I copied the bookfrom beginning to end.(我把這本書(shū)從頭至尾抄了一遍。)
  • 11、These locations can see the complete eclipsefrom beginning to end.(這些地點(diǎn)可以看到完整的偏食從開(kāi)始到結(jié)束。)
  • 12、The whole thing was complete insanityfrom beginning to end.(整件事從頭到尾都是那么的荒唐.)
  • 13、And the song,from beginning to end.(而這首歌,從頭到尾。)
  • 14、The film had us laughingfrom beginning to end.(這部電影讓我們從頭笑到尾。)
  • 15、He finished his homework by himselffrom beginning to end.(他的作業(yè)從頭到尾都是自己完成的。)
  • 16、I watched the programmefrom beginning to end.(這個(gè)節(jié)目我從頭看到了尾。)
  • 17、Read the articlefrom beginning to end.(從頭至尾讀這篇文章。)
  • 18、The New Testament is a polemic book almostfrom beginning to end.(新約是一本爭(zhēng)辨的書(shū),幾乎是從頭開(kāi)始,一直到結(jié)束為止。)
  • 19、The principle had been perniciousfrom beginning to end.(這條原則自始至終都是有害的。)
  • 20、Tell me the whole story,from beginning to end.(把事情從頭到尾告訴我。)
  • 21、The story was interestingfrom beginning to end.(這個(gè)故事從頭到尾都很有趣。)
  • 22、It was one long battlefrom beginning to end.(從頭到尾都是一場(chǎng)曠日持久的戰(zhàn)斗。)
  • 23、We had to hear about the whole journeyfrom beginning to end.(我們只好從頭到尾把整個(gè)旅行情況聽(tīng)完。)
  • 24、Eg. I want to know about this thing nowfrom beginning to end.(現(xiàn)在我想從頭到尾了解這件事。)
  • 25、from beginning to end, When you have a friend By your side.(從開(kāi)始到結(jié)束,當(dāng)有朋友在你身邊的時(shí)候。)
  • 26、Manage expectationsfrom beginning to end.(從頭至尾地掌控期望。)
  • 27、Please readfrom beginning to end.(請(qǐng)從頭讀到尾。)

from beginning to end基本釋義

from beginning to end

英 [fr?m bi?ɡini? tu: end] 美 [fr?m b??ɡ?n?? tu ?nd] 

從頭至尾; 從始至終; 由頭到尾; 前后
