
front teeth造句

front teeth造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:38


front teeth造句

  • 1、It has a pair of nice ruby eyes especially pretty, sharp nose under two big whitefront teeth.(它有著一雙紅寶石般的眼睛特別漂亮,尖尖的鼻子下露出兩只白色的大門牙。)
  • 2、"The palettes," replied the dental professor, "are thefront teeth, the two upper ones."(“瓷牌,”那位牙科醫(yī)生回答說,“就是門牙,上排的兩個(gè)門牙?!? haO86.com
  • 3、Pull out my twofront teeth!(拔掉我的兩個(gè)門牙!)
  • 4、He is missing hisfront teeth due to a motorcycling accident in rural New York.(由于紐約郊區(qū)的一場(chǎng)摩托車事故,他的門牙掉了。)
  • 5、She chipped one of herfront teeth.(她錛了一顆門牙。)
  • 6、One of his upperfront teeth was loose.(他上排有一顆門牙有些松動(dòng)。)
  • 7、Apparentlyfront teeth changed first, back teeth later.(非常明顯,前面的牙齒先改變,后面的牙齒再改變。)
  • 8、The most notable characteristic of a rabbit is its twofront teeth .(兔子的突出特征之一,就是那對(duì)門牙。)
  • 9、He's had hisfront teeth capped.(他包了門牙。)
  • 10、If you miss afront teeth, for instance, will you send in a smiling photo?(比如說,如果你門牙掉了,你會(huì)上交一張正在微笑的照片嗎?)
  • 11、A boy with twofront teeth missing.(一個(gè)落了兩顆門牙的男孩。)
  • 12、He seized one of Winston's remainingfront teeth between his powerful thumb and forefinger.(他用大拇指和食指有力地板住溫斯頓剩下的一顆門牙。)
  • 13、Front tractor; Rapid expansion bow; Thefront teeth osteoarthritis.(前方牽引器;快速擴(kuò)弓;骨性前方反牙合。)
  • 14、She put on a smile to show Mr. Bailey that her twofront teeth were missing.(她也朝貝利先生笑了一下,露出了牙齒,不過有兩顆不見了。)
  • 15、He has a gap between his twofront teeth.(他的兩個(gè)門牙之間有一缺口。)
  • 16、She has bushy brown hair, largefront teeth and memorises the course books by heart.(她有一頭濃密蓬亂的褐發(fā),長著大板牙,對(duì)課本上的內(nèi)容爛熟于心。)
  • 17、One of myfront teeth had broken off.(原來是我的一顆大門牙掛了。)
  • 18、When Lizzie smiled, Paige suddenly noticed her upperfront teeth were pitted with holes.(當(dāng)她笑時(shí),Paige突然注意到她上門牙全是洞。)
  • 19、You won't ever be without yourfront teeth.(您的前牙外觀看起來就不會(huì)有太大的變化。)
  • 20、One of hisfront teeth has dropped out.(他的一顆門牙掉了。)
  • 21、Hisfront teeth stick out.(他的門牙向前突出。)
  • 22、Tom'sfront teeth stick out.(湯姆的面牙向外突出。)
  • 23、She was only six and still missing herfront teeth.(她只有6歲,還沒有長出門牙。)
  • 24、The tusks of an elephant are actually itsfront teeth.(象的長牙實(shí)際上就是它的門牙。)
  • 25、But they have fourfront teeth - most rodents have two.(但是它們有四顆門牙,而大部分的嚙齒類動(dòng)物只有兩顆。)
  • 26、On the insides of yourfront teeth, it can be hard to hold the brush sideways.(對(duì)前牙的內(nèi)面,很難側(cè)著放置牙刷。)
  • 27、One of Sean'sfront teeth is loose.(肖恩的一顆門牙松動(dòng)了。)

front teeth基本釋義

front teeth

英 [fr?nt ti:θ] 美 [fr?nt tiθ] 
