full of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:36


full of造句

  • 1、His voice wasfull of reproach.(他的話完全是一種責(zé)備的語氣。)
  • 2、He wasfull of youthful idealism.(他滿腦子都是年輕人的理想主義。)
  • 3、This sauce isfull of E-numbers.(這種調(diào)味汁盡是人造香料和色素。)
  • 4、The article isfull of inaccuracies.(這篇文章里的錯(cuò)誤比比皆是。)
  • 5、The show'sfull of daredevil feats.(這場表演充滿著驚險(xiǎn)的特技。)
  • 6、The report is justfull of waffle.(這份報(bào)告只是一大堆廢話。)
  • 7、I felt guilty andfull of remorse.(我感到內(nèi)疚,并且非常懊悔。)
  • 8、The report isfull of howlers.(這份報(bào)告錯(cuò)漏百出。)
  • 9、She's very lively andfull of fun.(她很活潑,挺有趣的。)
  • 10、The essay wasfull of quotes.(這篇文章滿篇皆是引語。)
  • 11、The city isfull of diversions.(城市里各種娛樂活動比比皆是。)
  • 12、My suitcase wasfull of books.(我的提箱裝滿了書。)
  • 13、They'refull of big ideas.(他們滿懷勃勃雄心。)
  • 14、I wasfull of jealousy and hurt.(我內(nèi)心充滿了嫉妒和痛苦。)
  • 15、The case wasfull of clothes.(該箱子滿是衣服。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、She was bouncy andfull of energy.(她生氣勃勃,精力充沛。)
  • 17、They pumped herfull of painkillers.(他們凈讓她服止痛藥。)
  • 18、The sink wasfull of dirty dishes.(水池里滿是臟碟子。)
  • 19、Her eyes werefull of mischief.(她眼睛里滿是使壞的神情。)
  • 20、Their future wasfull of promise.(他們的前途希望無窮。)
  • 21、Her voice wasfull of anxiety.(她的聲音飽含焦慮。)
  • 22、Mom's face wasfull of pain.(媽媽的臉上充滿了痛苦。)
  • 23、Her voice was tender,full of pity.(她的聲音很溫柔,充滿了憐憫。)
  • 24、Life isfull of coincidences.(生活中巧合很多。)
  • 25、The song isfull of sexual innuendo.(那首歌充滿了性的暗示。)
  • 26、He wasfull of bonhomie.(他很友好。)
  • 27、This apple isfull of worms.(這個(gè)蘋果生滿了蟲子。)
  • 28、She's alwaysfull of energy.(她總是充滿活力。)
  • 29、Her eyes werefull of fire.(她的雙眼充滿激情的火花。)
  • 30、These designers arefull of fresh ideas.(這些設(shè)計(jì)師滿是新穎的想法。)

full of基本釋義