free of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:47


free of造句

  • 1、It was several weeks before he was completelyfree of pain.(過(guò)了幾星期他的疼痛才完全消除。)
  • 2、The leaflet is availablefree of charge from post offices.(小冊(cè)子可免費(fèi)向郵局索取。)
  • 3、In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops arefree of poisonous insecticides.(在偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū),空氣是純凈的,莊稼也不用有毒的殺蟲(chóng)劑。)
  • 4、The benefits of eating foodfree of chemicals are straightforward and immediate.(進(jìn)食不添加化學(xué)制劑的食物有非常直接的好處。)
  • 5、This benefit isfree of tax under current legislation.(按照現(xiàn)行法律此項(xiàng)收益是免稅的。)
  • 6、Museum's special exhibition area will now befree of charge.(博物館的特別展覽區(qū)現(xiàn)在免費(fèi)開(kāi)放。)
  • 7、People clamored to befree of its yoke.(人們?nèi)氯轮蠼忾_(kāi)枷鎖。)
  • 8、I have a vision of a society that isfree of exploitation and injustice.(我憧憬一個(gè)沒(méi)有剝削和不公的社會(huì)。)
  • 9、It was vital that the elections should befree of coercion or intimidation.(至關(guān)重要的是,選舉中不得有脅迫或威逼。)
  • 10、Would God I werefree of my captivity!(但愿上帝能讓我束縛中解脫出來(lái)!)
  • 11、Never had he been sofree of worry.(他從沒(méi)這樣無(wú)憂(yōu)無(wú)慮過(guò)。)
  • 12、Understand Anger and Becomefree of It!(理解憤怒情緒并消滅它!)
  • 13、Tickets are availablefree of charge from the school.(學(xué)校有免費(fèi)票。)
  • 14、If this could be fulfilled, my life would befree of care.(如果這能實(shí)現(xiàn),我的生活就無(wú)憂(yōu)無(wú)慮了。)
  • 15、She retains her slim figure and isfree of wrinkles.(她保持著苗條的身材,而且沒(méi)有皺紋。)
  • 16、Ecosystemsfree of species defined as exotic are, by default, considered the most natural.(沒(méi)有外來(lái)物種的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)被默認(rèn)為是最自然的。)
  • 17、They envision an equal society,free of poverty and disease.(他們向往一個(gè)沒(méi)有貧窮和疾病的平等社會(huì)。)
  • 18、Recent geologic evidence indicates that contrary to what had been believed, substantial areas along the coast werefree of ice as early as 16,000 years ago.(最近的地質(zhì)證據(jù)表明,早在16,000年前,沿海岸的大部分地區(qū)就沒(méi)有冰了,這與人們過(guò)去的看法相反。)
  • 19、You will be able to take ten dozen bottlesfree of duty through customs.(你可以攜帶120瓶免稅通過(guò)海關(guān)。)
  • 20、To avoid delays, she wanted the disaster relief legislation to be keptfree of extraneous matters.(為避免延誤,她希望無(wú)關(guān)緊要的事不被摻雜進(jìn)災(zāi)害救濟(jì)立法程序中。)
  • 21、The chairs were comfortable, functional, andfree of ornamentation.(這些椅子舒適實(shí)用,而且看上去不花哨。)
  • 22、Determined to be myself,free of shame and worldly labels, I can now call myself a "marathon winner".(決心做我自己,擺脫羞恥和世俗的標(biāo)簽,我現(xiàn)在可以稱(chēng)自己為“馬拉松冠軍”了。)
  • 23、The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to befree of it.(這段婚姻是個(gè)失敗,他們倆都想從中解放出來(lái)。)
  • 24、After Michael Jackson wasfree of his father and of Motown, and working closely with Quincy Jones, his commercial-pop genius was realised.(邁克爾·杰克遜擺脫了父親和摩城的束縛,與他在1978年結(jié)識(shí)的昆西·瓊斯密切合作后,他的商業(yè)流行音樂(lè)天賦才得以挖掘。)
  • 25、In fact it isfree of charge at the weekend.(事實(shí)上,在周末這是免費(fèi)的。)
  • 26、Every year I perform hundreds of operationsfree of cost through Smile Train.(每年我都通過(guò)微笑列車(chē)免費(fèi)做幾百個(gè)手術(shù)。)
  • 27、If all the coronary arteries arefree of significant obstructions, all parts of the heart will receive equal amounts of oxygen.(如果冠狀動(dòng)脈沒(méi)有重大堵塞,心臟的各個(gè)部位會(huì)收到等量的氧氣。)
  • 28、Delivery isfree of charge.(免費(fèi)送貨。)

free of基本釋義

free of

英 [fri: ?v] 美 [fri ?v] 
免于; 沒(méi)有