get hold of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:00


get hold of造句

  • 1、Suddenly lenders found that nobody wanted to buy their loans, so they could notget hold of their money.(轉(zhuǎn)眼間,放貸者們發(fā)現(xiàn)無(wú)人希望買(mǎi)下他們的貸款,他們因此無(wú)法拿到自己的錢(qián)。)
  • 2、The only electrician we couldget hold of was miles away.(我們惟一能夠聯(lián)絡(luò)上的電工在幾英里之外。)
  • 3、He was away before I couldget hold of the letter.(我還沒(méi)拿到那封信,他就走了。)
  • 4、I asked a Chongqing friend whether he knew how toget hold of him.(我問(wèn)一位重慶的朋友他知不知道如何找到L。)
  • 5、Not to react to a stimulus immediately but toget hold of the instincts that inhibits and checks.(不是對(duì)刺激立即做出反應(yīng),而是把握住,抑制和檢查的本能。)
  • 6、Consumers can alreadyget hold of many publications on smart-phones and e-readers.(目前消費(fèi)者已經(jīng)能夠在智能手機(jī)和電子閱覽器上獲得許多出版物了。)
  • 7、Tell Richard I'm going to kill him when Iget hold of him.(告訴理查德,我要抓住他就殺了他。)
  • 8、It is hard toget hold of guns in this country.(在這個(gè)國(guó)家很難弄到槍。)
  • 9、Lehman gave Bob the chance toget hold of a faltering giant, he says.(他表示:“雷曼讓鮑勃有機(jī)會(huì)得到一個(gè)陷入困境的投行巨擘?!?
  • 10、There are two ways you canget hold of the install codes.(獲得安裝代碼有兩種辦法。)
  • 11、The female form is mysterious, enticing and notoriously difficult toget hold of.(女性的表現(xiàn)是神秘的、誘惑的、極其難以接近的。)
  • 12、Try toget hold of him again.(再試試跟他聯(lián)系一下.)
  • 13、To propagate a custom token,get hold of the subject.(要傳播自定義的令牌,需要獲取主題。)
  • 14、What matters is that youget hold of real users and sit with them while they use the design.(重要的是你找到真正的用戶(hù),當(dāng)他們使用這個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)坐在他們旁邊。)
  • 15、We didn't want the press toget hold of the story, but it might be no bad thing.(我們本不想讓新聞界知道這事,但是知道了也許并非是壞事。)
  • 16、Where have you been? I've been trying toget hold of you all day.(你去哪了?我一整天都在找你。)
  • 17、It's almost impossible toget hold of tickets for the final.(幾乎不可能搞到?jīng)Q賽的門(mén)票。)
  • 18、Seeing Pinocchio's bundle lying idle near-by, they somehow managed toget hold of it.(他們看見(jiàn)皮諾喬的書(shū)包就在附近躺著,便設(shè)法把它搶了過(guò)來(lái)。)
  • 19、get hold of some new ways to make your partner feel special and unique in bed.(學(xué)些新招,給你的伴侶一次與眾不同的床上經(jīng)歷。)
  • 20、Halim flashed his official card, and managed toget hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover.(哈利姆亮了他的證件,并設(shè)法找來(lái)一名士兵守衛(wèi)那輛路虎越野車(chē)。)
  • 21、People have queued outside Apple and phone stores for days to ensure theyget hold of one of the gadgets.(在蘋(píng)果專(zhuān)賣(mài)店,手機(jī)店門(mén)口,人們好幾天前就開(kāi)始排隊(duì),以求能購(gòu)得一部iPhone。)
  • 22、I'd like toget hold of two tickets for the concert.(我想搞到兩張音樂(lè)會(huì)的票。)
  • 23、I need toget hold of Tom's address.(我需要找到湯姆的地址。)
  • 24、I managed toget hold of a blue-paper manuscript book by the favour of one of the officers of our estate.(我設(shè)法請(qǐng)我們的一個(gè)地產(chǎn)管理員送我一本藍(lán)色紙樣的練習(xí)簿。)
  • 25、And then he said something I couldn't quiteget hold of at the time.(于是他又說(shuō)了些什么,當(dāng)時(shí)沒(méi)聽(tīng)清楚。)
  • 26、As a grassroot singer, she reads everything she canget hold of concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself.(作為一名草根歌手,她盡可能多閱讀與音樂(lè)相關(guān)的書(shū)籍,并抓住一切機(jī)會(huì)提高自己。)
  • 27、What other background information about this book do you know? How did youget hold of it?(其次,這本書(shū)主要講的內(nèi)容是什么,你為什么會(huì)喜歡這本書(shū),這本書(shū)獲得過(guò)什么獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng),取得了怎樣的成功)
  • 28、Another effective tactic is to make limited-edition handbags which are hard toget hold of.(另一個(gè)有效的策略則是制作相當(dāng)難買(mǎi)到的限量版手袋。)
  • 29、Derek, I want you toget hold of Dealer Dan.(德里克,我要你了解“商人丹”的情況。)

get hold of基本釋義

get hold of

英 [ɡet h?uld ?v] 美 [ɡ?t hold ?v] 
抓住; 掌握