
get close to造句

get close to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:44:02


get close to造句

  • 1、In order toget close to Zhang, Shen even made friends with her bosom friend, Wang Hualian.(為了接近張兆和,沈從文甚至和張兆和的閨密王華蓮交上了朋友。)
  • 2、It's always upward sloping, but it may, after awhile, youget close to satiation where you've got enough.(但我們的理論上不是這樣,你一直想要更多,它可能一直向上傾斜,但可能一會兒,你已經(jīng)在你得到足夠時接近滿意了。)
  • 3、He would never evenget close to it.(他絕對不會接近界限。)
  • 4、Honey, don'tget close to the pond.(寶貝,不要接近那個池塘。)
  • 5、They had rummaged around his thorax, trying toget close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it.(他們對他的胸腔周圍進行了仔細的檢查,試圖靠近箭頭及其周圍的組織。)
  • 6、M: Bargitta could tell you, if you'd let herget close to you.(瑪;如果你讓布姬塔親近你,她也會告訴你的。)
  • 7、I can'tget close to her and I can't get what I need from her and I can't talk to her so what do I do?(我不能接近她,也不能得到我需要的東西,甚至我也不能跟她說話,我該怎么辦呢?)
  • 8、Like nestle India, Hindustan Unilever understands the need toget close to the customer.(與印度雀巢一樣,印度利華也深知了解消費者的必要性。)
  • 9、Afaget close to her a little bit, said, "Right, you are really not pretty but smart."(阿發(fā)湊近她一點,說:“說得好?!蹦阏娴牟皇呛芷?,但是又真的很聰明。)
  • 10、Children craned toget close to him.(孩子們伸長脖子想靠近他。)
  • 11、He would be surrounded by literally hundreds of students. People wouldget close to him, just to touch him.(他說,“毫不夸張的說,他被上百個學生團團圍住,人們千方百計擠過去靠近他只是為了和他接觸下握個手什么的?!?
  • 12、"You'll neverget close to chimps-not unless you're very well hidden," they told me.(“你永遠也不可能靠近大猩猩——除非你隱藏的足夠好,”他們這樣告訴。)
  • 13、Being small and quiet, it canget close to targets unobserved, for a good look.(由于安靜小巧,它能夠不被察覺地接近目標,并獲得良好的觀察效果。)
  • 14、The SPP is not the only project underway toget close to the Sun.(SPP并不是目前唯一的奔向太陽計劃。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 15、Photographer Carsten Peter tests the thermal suit that Sims used toget close to the lava lake.(攝影師卡斯滕·皮特正在測試熱力防護服,西姆斯曾穿著它接近過熔巖湖。)
  • 16、What kind of sample size do you need to generallyget close to that actual?(為了得到接近實際的的結(jié)果,你一般需要什么樣大小的樣本?)
  • 17、Many people describe their own father as a distant figure, a person hard toget close to.(很多人在描述自己的父親時都說,父親是一個不好接近的人。)
  • 18、How do youget close to the use of loving things, which mean liking very much?(你怎么靠近并使用愛的東西,就是你非常喜歡的東西?)
  • 19、Now they have gone. It takes a whole day toget close to one.(如今,它們離開了,要想接近一座冰川需要走一整天。)
  • 20、Those are the hard questions. Even 750 billion euros won'tget close to answering any of them.(即使7500億歐元也無法解決以上任何一個嚴重問題。)
  • 21、Microsoft's main aim is toget close to or even overhaul Sony.(微軟的主要目標是趕超索尼。)
  • 22、He wants toget close to him.(他想接近他。)
  • 23、That's the girl I would really want toget close to.(這才是我最想接近的女生。)
  • 24、It's a good way toget close to nature.(這是接近自然的好方法。)
  • 25、Sucre tells him that the only way he canget close to his brother is through “P.I.” or Prison Industries.(Sucre告訴他,要接近他兄弟的唯一方法就是通過“PI”(“監(jiān)獄勞動”)。)

get close to基本釋義