
gain momentum造句

gain momentum造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:44:27


gain momentum造句

  • 1、It is too soon to say whether the latest council willgain momentum.(現(xiàn)在談這個(gè)新議會(huì)能否獲得良好的發(fā)展勢(shì)頭還為時(shí)過早。)
  • 2、You seem to have a lot to discuss with your partner, and you'll be excited to see that your plansgain momentum.(你似乎有很多討論與您的合作伙伴,你會(huì)高興地看到,你的計(jì)劃獲得勢(shì)頭。)
  • 3、Many economists believe the April-June quarter may produce a small recovery which couldgain momentum in the second half of the year.(許多經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家認(rèn)為4至6月的第二季度能出現(xiàn)小小的復(fù)蘇,并在下半年保持這個(gè)勢(shì)頭。)
  • 4、The housing recovery continues togain momentum, heading into the spring buying season.(房地產(chǎn)業(yè)的復(fù)蘇勢(shì)頭持續(xù)加強(qiáng),進(jìn)入春季購買季。)
  • 5、Quinlan continued wandering, though as a Separatist movement led by Count Dooku began togain momentum, he found himself with a new mission.(昆蘭繼續(xù)他無休止的游蕩,但隨著杜庫伯爵(CountDooku)率領(lǐng)的分離主義運(yùn)動(dòng)(Separatistmovement)氣焰漸長(zhǎng),他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己接到了一項(xiàng)新任務(wù)。)
  • 6、Start small, choosing easier tasks to help you get started andgain momentum, then focus on items that are a bit more involved or difficult and just keep going!(從小事開始,選擇簡(jiǎn)單的任務(wù)讓自己先工作起來,逐步獲得動(dòng)力,然后集中精力對(duì)付稍微棘手或困難的項(xiàng)目,保持做下去!)
  • 7、They also believed that if they could move forward with agile processes, they wouldgain momentum in convincing the greater project to move to an agile methodology overall.(他們還相信,如果他們能夠推進(jìn)敏捷流程,他們將有動(dòng)力說服更大的項(xiàng)目整體改用敏捷方法。)
  • 8、You will alsogain momentum with each goal, which will motivate you towards the next goal.(每個(gè)目標(biāo)都會(huì)為你帶來動(dòng)力,激勵(lì)你向著下一個(gè)目標(biāo)前進(jìn)。)
  • 9、First I was OK, I have been though a lot of earthquakes but the earthquake kept going and seemed togain momentum.(一開始我還好,我經(jīng)歷過很多次地震但這一次的地震持續(xù)時(shí)間很長(zhǎng)而且有愈演愈烈之勢(shì)。)
  • 10、Below I have listed 4 ways you cangain momentum in your life right away.(下面我將列出可以使你的生活理科獲得動(dòng)力的四種方法。)
  • 11、The recovery shouldgain momentum through 2010 and 2011.(旅游業(yè)將在2010年和2011年為復(fù)蘇提供動(dòng)力。)
  • 12、Those well-known characters also will help Disneygain momentum at the box office, where star-driven films have been sagging.(在明星主打電影勢(shì)頭下滑之際,Marvel旗下這些廣為人知的角色將幫助迪士尼在票房積聚人氣。)
  • 13、A flexible board mounted on a fulcrum with one end secured, used by gymnasts togain momentum, as in vaulting.(一端固定安放于一個(gè)杠桿支撐點(diǎn)的彈性木板,用于體操運(yùn)動(dòng)員獲得動(dòng)力,如撐桿跳。)
  • 14、You'll start togain momentum, and you'll give yourself a much needed psychological break.(你將會(huì)開始獲得動(dòng)力,在心理上讓自己休息一下。)
  • 15、His campaign suddenlygain momentum with many voters realizing it was worth taking parts in the election.(很多選民意識(shí)到參加選舉很有意義,于是他的競(jìng)選突然間聲勢(shì)就浩大起來。)
  • 16、Your social life is starting togain momentum, dear Pisces.(親愛的雙魚座,你的社交生活將開始變得活力十足。)
  • 17、If we can't do a better job, I think REST and REST description languages such as WADL willgain momentum.(如果我們不能做的更好,我想REST和REST描述語言,如WADL將獲得動(dòng)力。)
  • 18、Bounce your body in an attempt togain momentum.(蹦蹦跳跳身體企圖造勢(shì)。)
  • 19、Jeep's Wrangler continued togain momentum; sales are up 11 percent this year.(吉普的牧馬人有繼續(xù)上漲的勢(shì)頭;今年的銷售額增長(zhǎng)了11個(gè)百分點(diǎn)。)
  • 20、As you strike the tasks you've finished off the list, you begin togain momentum. The feeling that you're making progress only motivates you to continue.(每當(dāng)你從鎽“待完成”列表上劃掉一項(xiàng)你完成的步驟,你便開始獲得動(dòng)力。取得進(jìn)展的感覺只會(huì)激勵(lì)你繼續(xù)下去。)
  • 21、For example, if you’re working in a job you don’t absolutely love, you should still give it your all, because new opportunities will show up as yougain momentum.(例如,如果你做的事情,你并不是絕對(duì)的喜愛,你也應(yīng)該全力以赴,因?yàn)楫?dāng)你得勢(shì)的時(shí)候,新的機(jī)遇就會(huì)出現(xiàn)。)
  • 22、Of course, you are going to need Allies for your idea togain momentum, but I want to underscore that it is not necessary to have an ally to get started.(當(dāng)然你需要很多同盟者來推動(dòng)你的想法,但是我想強(qiáng)調(diào),你不需要一個(gè)同盟者和你一起開始。) haO86.com
  • 23、As you envision yourself operating at your best, yougain momentum going forward and become more apt to take the actions necessary to manifest your best life.(當(dāng)你想象自己做到最好的情景,會(huì)讓你有極大地動(dòng)力向前走,會(huì)讓你變得容易做些有用的行動(dòng)去展現(xiàn)出你最好的一面。)

gain momentum基本釋義

gain momentum
