
go as follows造句

go as follows造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:38


go as follows造句

  • 1、My advice isgo as follows: relax, take a deep breath, and go for it.(我的建議如下:放輕松、深呼吸,然后迎戰(zhàn)。)
  • 2、Happiness follows with you unless I run as fast as possible to go ahead of it.(幸福如下除非我來說,盡快去在它前面與您聯(lián)系。)
  • 3、The main functions of the forum systemgo as follows, user communication, user management, information inquiry and classification.(論壇系統(tǒng)的主要功能是:用戶交流、用戶管理、信息分類及查找等。)
  • 4、The fees which shall be paid when an application for a patent is filled with the Patent Office or when other procedures go through the Patent Office was as follows.(向?qū)5镁稚暾垖@娃k理其他手續(xù)時,應(yīng)當按照情況繳納下列費用。)
  • 5、To buy a fish about the length of your forearm, for example, the conversation mightgo as follows.(比如,要買一條像前臂那樣長的魚,會有以下的對話。)
  • 6、I can't go on my vacation this summer. The main reasons are as follows: firstly, I have no money; second, Ihave no time.(今年夏天我不能去度假。主要原因如下:首先是沒錢,其次是沒時間。)
  • 7、EA and AM, however, go about attaining this goal in extremely different ways. In the report EA and AM are defined as follows.(然而,EA和AM在達成這個目標時卻采用了截然不同的方式。)
  • 8、The detailsgo as follows: 1 the designed procedures of rule expression in active database system can solve the problem about the relationship between the change of data state and rule expression.(設(shè)計主動數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng)中的規(guī)則表示,解決了數(shù)據(jù)狀態(tài)改變與規(guī)則表示之間的問題。)
  • 9、The steps to create a custom validator are as follows; we'll go over them one by one.(創(chuàng)建自定義驗證器的步驟如下,我們將一步步地分析。)
  • 10、When software follows commensurate effort, the learning curve doesn't go away, but it disappears from the user's mind-which is just as good.(如果軟件遵循相稱的努力的原則,學習曲線不會真的消失。但它會從用戶心中消失,這才是恰到好處。)
  • 11、Your morning routine maygo as follows: have breakfast, brush teeth, shower, then head out to start your day.(早上起來,你可能會先吃個早飯,然后再刷牙、洗澡、出門開始新的一天。)
  • 12、The most important question, which arises before the producers, now sounds as follows: but will the matters go so badly, or they will go still worse?(最重要的問題,產(chǎn)生之前,生產(chǎn)者,現(xiàn)在聽起來如下:但會事宜去這么差,或者他們會仍然惡化?)
  • 13、"The Interrupters" follows Ameena, Cobe and Eddie as they go about their work, and while doing so reveals their own inspired journeys of hope and redemption.(《阻斷者》通過記錄艾米娜、科比和埃迪三個人的工作點滴,展現(xiàn)了他們滿懷希望和憧憬的贖罪之旅。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 14、If I were asked what changes should be in the 21st century, my answers wouldgo as follows.(要是有人問我21世紀會有哪些變化,我會這樣回答。)

go as follows基本釋義
