
go cycling造句

go cycling造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:43:37


go cycling造句

  • 1、Mrs Li:I'd rather do something outdoors. Would you like togo cycling?(我寧愿做些戶外活動。你喜歡騎自行車嗎?)
  • 2、Would you rather play golf orgo cycling?(你喜歡打高爾夫球還是騎自行車?)
  • 3、M: Well, I love to do push-ups and Igo cycling every day.(M:嗯,我做俯臥撐,還有每天我都騎車。)
  • 4、“A lot of people who are between jobs are using this downtime to go after a goal, ” like a triathlon, said Mr. Hanson of Cadence Cycling.(Cadence自行車中心的漢森說,“人們可以利用停工期設(shè)定并追求一個從未嘗試過的新目標,例如三項全能?!?
  • 5、Wego cycling on weekends.(周末我們?nèi)ザ碉L(fēng)。)
  • 6、You can go hiking, cycling, fishing, rock climbing, or tubing — all in a single day if you wanted, and all without having to do months of planning in advance.(你可以去遠足、騎自行車、釣魚、攀巖、或油管-如果你想要在一天內(nèi)做這些的話,都不必提前做個計劃。)
  • 7、Would you like togo cycling?(你想去騎自行車嗎?)
  • 8、It was too windy at the weekend togo cycling.(周末的時候風(fēng)太大了,不能騎自行車。)
  • 9、I couldn'tgo cycling.(我不能騎自行車。)
  • 10、I like togo cycling with my friends.(我喜歡和我的朋友們騎腳踏車兜風(fēng)。)
  • 11、We like togo cycling at weekends.(我們周末時喜歡騎自行車到處玩。)
  • 12、I'd like togo cycling or rollerblading around the park seawall!(我想在公園的海堤邊騎自行車或溜冰!)
  • 13、Igo cycling every day.(我每天騎自行車。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 14、Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. Igo cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.(彼得:噢,我忘了。我去騎自行車有時也是如此。我經(jīng)常去游泳,但只有休閑度假游。)
  • 15、Over the weekend, wego cycling to Frinton-on-Sea and do fitness classes (a fun outdoor bootcamp, "playtime" in the gym).(過了周末,我們騎車去Frinton-on-Sea,還參加了健身班(一個很有趣的戶外訓(xùn)練營,在健身房里接受訓(xùn)練)。)
  • 16、If it rains, I won'tgo cycling.(如果下雨,我就不去騎車了。)
  • 17、I can't believe I agreed togo cycling with two triathletes.(我為什么要允許和兩個三項全能的人往騎自行車!。)
  • 18、Jack: Well, I love to do push-ups. In addition, Igo cycling every day.(杰克:我喜歡做俯臥撐;而且,每天我都騎車。)
  • 19、B: If Igo cycling, I'll be tired by the evening.(如果我去騎車的話,晚上我肯定會很累了。)
  • 20、Would you like togo cycling with me on the Road Around the Island on Saturday?(星期六你愿意和我一起去環(huán)島路騎自行車嗎?)
  • 21、Now Igo cycling every day.(現(xiàn)在我天天騎車。)
  • 22、If it rains, I won'tgo cycling. I'll go shopping instead.(A如果下雨,我就不去騎車了。我就去購物。)
  • 23、Well, I love to do push-ups, and Igo cycling every day.(我喜歡做俯臥撐,每天我都騎單車。)
  • 24、I was short, so I couldn't ride my bike well. Now, Igo cycling everyday.(我以前個子小,自行車騎得不好?,F(xiàn)在我天天騎車。)
  • 25、I sometimesgo cycling with my sister.(我有時和姐姐一起去騎車。)

go cycling基本釋義
