
go fishing造句

go fishing造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:37


go fishing造句

  • 1、They cango fishing in the lake.(他們可以去湖里釣魚。)
  • 2、They oftengo fishing.(他們常去釣魚。)
  • 3、A: Well. I'm planning togo fishing.(唔,我打算去釣魚。)
  • 4、I like togo fishing.(我喜歡去釣魚。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、Would you like togo fishing with me?(你愿意和我去釣魚嗎?)
  • 6、Where did yougo fishing?(你們?nèi)ツ睦镝烎~了?)
  • 7、Maybe Igo fishing once a week.(我或許每周去釣魚一次。)
  • 8、Now, let'sgo fishing!(現(xiàn)在,讓我們一起去釣魚吧!)
  • 9、I willgo fishing with my father.(我將和我的爸爸去釣魚。)
  • 10、Why do yougo fishing so often?(你為何那么頻繁地去釣魚?)
  • 11、Togo fishing with your grandfather.(和你爺爺一起去釣魚。)
  • 12、When can wego fishing?(我們什么時(shí)候能去釣魚呢?)
  • 13、When I was a little girl, I used togo fishing with my grandfather.(當(dāng)我還是個(gè)小女孩的時(shí)候,我經(jīng)常和我的爺爺去釣魚。)
  • 14、Let'sgo fishing tonight!(今晚我們?nèi)メ烎~吧!)
  • 15、Let'sgo fishing this weekend.(咱們這個(gè)周末去釣魚吧。)
  • 16、We oftengo fishing on weekend.(我們經(jīng)常在周末去釣魚。)
  • 17、Daddy, when can wego fishing, again?(爸爸,什么時(shí)候我們能再來釣魚?)
  • 18、Can wego fishing with you?(我們可以跟你們一起去打魚嗎?)
  • 19、Did yougo fishing?(你去釣魚了嗎?)
  • 20、Igo fishing every weekend.(我每個(gè)周末都去釣魚。)
  • 21、Let'sgo fishing today.(我們今天去釣魚吧。)
  • 22、Igo fishing once a week.(我每周釣一次魚。)

go fishing基本釋義

go fishing

英 [ɡ?u ?f????] 美 [ɡo ?f????] 
